Four Years

Today marks four years since I joined the AFF community. Since then, I have written well over a dozen stories and met amazing authors. Of course, I don't write fanfiction anymore, haven't in quite a while actually, but I still sign in once in a while. I read blog posts quite often, comment here and there, and mostly lurk on the site xD But, AFF was a huge part of my life for the first 2 years. I signed in daily, updated almost daily and generally let my imagination wander. I created characters I liked and simply gave them the name and face of an Asian celebrity. I read a lot of fanfiction by other users in order to improve. I suppose it can be sad in a way that I no longer write fanfiction. But, that does not mean that I no longer write. 

In these four years, I have completed an undergraduate degree and now have a "big girl" job. 

I have met amazing people, both online and offline. 

I fulfilled my dream of going to Japan. 

I learned that that writing what I liked was much more important than writing what others liked. 

I went from following kpop religiously, to an occasional observer. Quite honestly this happened without my realizing it. I still like kpop, but I no longer hold it to the unrealisitic ideals I once had. 

I improved my writing skills tremendously. However, you will find the occasional spelling or grammatical error here and there. 

I got back into watching Doctor Who. 

Stemming from my love of Doctor Who, I have watched Sherlock and Torchwood as well.

I was introduced to the wonder of Takarazuka and have watched many stage plays since then.

And now...

I watch anime again. To be honest however, I am currently concentrated on catching up in Naruto, rather than watching more anime. I've also heard Attack on Titan is good. I shall give it a go soon. 

I have a leather bound notebook. All entries have one thing in common: they mention the same characters. I believe I may one day turn it into a novel. I would love to do that, for you see, I have fallen in love with the characters I created. I want to truly breathe life into them. 

I collect soundtrack music. I blast it as I write. 

I am now a tea lover. Never could quite get into coffee. Tea4lyfe! (technically, the expression can read as teaforlife or teaforleaf; I should make a t-shirt with that...)

I read dozens of books, from autogiographies to teen fiction. Seriously, I have a stack by my bed. When it comes to books, "The limit does not exist."


I still hang out around here. Feel free to say hi. Ask questions. At four years, all I want to do is keep in touch with people. Read and enjoy. You're also free to follow my blog. On blogspot. It has my real name on it and everything. If you ask, you shall receive the link :D It is not all that interesting, but I try 

I guess what I'm trying to say with all this is: Happy Anniversay to Me. ;)




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happy 'versary!
i'm a tea lover too! and i also love soundtrack music to death!
Happy 4th Year Anniversary!!
*raises hand* me, too. I just celebrated my 4th year here too. How time flies.
I am back to anime, myself hahahah catch-up
Four years! Woo that's long. Happy anniversary! ^^ You've accomplished a lot! No fanfiction anymore? Does that mean that I won't be able to read your stories at all anymore? O.o
I've been on AFF for three years now, although not on this account. Now I'm in Korea, about to return to Finland... so weird how time flies by :)