ごめんなさい~One More Chance?

How's life?

It's been hetic, adventurous, frustrating, fun, exciting, tiring, boring, and overall absolutely amazing.

I figure everyone's life is like this.


I finish the semster in another two weeks.

I don't know if I'll continue my study of Japanese.

I don't like this professor.

I feel like I'm hardly learning, going to class seems to be a waste of my time.

But, it seems to only be me.

Maybe something is wrong with me?

I'd rather continue to study French.

This professor ruins the wonder of learning Japanese for me. :(


I went to an interview for an internship today.

I think I did well ^^

Hopefully I get it!


I bought a new phone yesterday.

I bought it online, so I'm still waiting for it to arrive in the mail.

My current phone ,

it keeps dropping calls,

and I get texts days later.

Yeah, I need a new phone.

I'm glad I finally bought one.


I'm an international student mentor.

My mentees are from Hong Kong and South Korea

Two girls

Both older than me.

But they're great people to be around.

I want them to make more American friends,

but they're so shy! 


I have a new friend from Japan.

She's very sweet.

She comes to work with me in the writing center,

usually on grammar.

She's very self-conscious about her English,

but I think her English skills are great. :D


I wanted to go to Europe after I graduated,

but no one seems to be able to go with me.

I don't want to go alone :(


I'm terrified with the idea of graduating.

I just feel like I'm not ready yet....

But I can't afford staying a 5th year.

Besides, I only need 3 more classes to be done.


I still need to catch up on fanfics.

I'm trying my best!


I went to watch the Hunger Games last weekend.

It was amazing.

Better than the 1st one.

There were chills down my spine during the tour of the districts.

I need to reread those books xD


I haven't really written anything.

I'm sorry.

I don't have any ideas yet.

But I want to write a fun one-shot. 

Something that you don't have to think so deeply about.

I have too many other things to think deeply about already.

I hope the ideas flow soon,

and the one-shot will become part of Memorandum.

One more chance?


I miss AFF,

I really don't want it to become,

one less thing to think about.



It's been hetic, adventurous, frustrating, fun, exciting, tiring, boring, and overall absolutely amazing.


How's life?

-- Yukie23



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My life's good, thank you! I'm working and earning money to go to Korea but I doubt it's gonna happen cause my friend who's supposed to go with me balls at saving money >.<
It's really hard to learn anything if the professor is bad, so I totally understand you, but it's sad if you have to give up on japanese because of that.
You should totally come to Europe if you get the chance, travelling is awesome! Come to Finland, we have... nothing really, don't come here XD The UK was awesome and well as Switzerland, I recommend those :D
What kind of an intership did you apply for?
You shoudln't feel pressured about writing or reading, after all, it's supposed to be just something done for fun, right? Take as many chances as you need ^^
AFF misses you and I miss you too :)
Life's been…
…Well, it's alright!
Your's sounds pretty crazy too!
sounds cray-cray! life, huh?

AFF misses you too ;)