New Breath of Air

Not having any friends doesn't seem as bad as I thought it would be like. I actually like the feeling of being by myself. I don't need friends. Before, friends meant someone to hang with afterschool, on weekends and breaks. However, it started to get troublesome. Especially when I realize these so called "friends" are just using me and talking behind my back, I'm definite that I don't need these people in my life. No one to bother me. No one to call me. Feels great. I tried too hard to keep them before. Now, I feel so stupid. I'm such a horrible person. Haha.


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Those kind of destructive people are always so difficult to have in life. Just don't get too lonely. I removed all the using friends from my life and at first it was great... then I was alone. Even if you find friends online, its better than nothing ^_^