A Good Question About Kris


I found this on Tumblr.

The user who made this does have a point.

We don't know the entire story as fans but just take this question into consideration.


That'll be all.



Cr: http://confess-exo.tumblr.com/post/89754061055/more-than-kris-not-telling-the-members-anything


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and the comments on disqus... i swear some fans are so rude.
Exokitty2013 #2
There are people in this world that can not express the way they feel. I am one of them. Maybe kris was too.
Hmm.... Yeah.... I just miss my bias... Damn... SM!!! >:( I miss mah bias.. :(
We don't know or may never know because we are just fans but lets just support kris

Maybe kris didn't want to burden s so he stayed quiet but in the end s got mad for not saying anything
i've asked myself this question before n i still didn't have a proper answer T___T maybe he wanted to solve it himself? idk.. but i miss him..
Actually, that not really surprising or weird. I myself am a person who likes to solve my problems by myself and my environment doesn't notice at all if sth bothers me cause I simply don't want them to know. My dad was totally shocked when I burst into tears as soon as I got the acceptance letter from my university and he was like 'i didn't know that this stressed you so bad' cause in the time before that application exam I was maybe more nervous but very composed and to that I rarely cry too. They even thought I didn't care about the exam cause I was so calm. Maybe Kris is like that too. It doesn't have to mean he doesn't trust others or s, but maybe he feels like he doesn't like the idea of getting people worry over him ó3ò

And to be exact: we actually...don't know anything. at all. We prolly never will ._.
lollipopzoupa #7
I really miss him :'(