The EXO Fandom Needs to Keep Calm & Carry the On

Well, tbh I'm in the EXO fandom, too .__. Maybe should take a ing seat.

But anyways, I don't think I need to brush up on the drama that's been going down in this fandom. Everyone's divided: to support EXO11 or EXO12, to ship BaekYeon or not to ship BaekYeon (which is totally irrelevant since BaekYeon is gon' happen regardless of whether or not you like it). And I don't wanna type out another huge blog post 'cause my hands kinda hurt, actually, and there's nothing I can really say that hasn't been said already. But, I, for one, am really tired of everyone going bat crazy over every little thing that happens in the fandom. If ya'll are sensitive and this news honestly hurts you, that might be a sign that you should take some time off from EXO.

Go join another fandom with less drama. Go fangirl MBLAQ, no drama in the A+ fandom. Go fangirl over Nu'est, I hear they're having a comeback soon. Or go check out Taeyang's new album (which is divine, btw), or go watch that Running Man episode with Minhyuk and Chansung in it or go listen to AKMU. Just do something else if you honestly feel betrayed and hurt by everything going on in the fandom. It'll be better for you and it'll be better for the idols not to have so much negative response all over the place. Go do whatever it was you did before EXO, and stop blowing all of this out of proportion.

Some things you have to just deal with and face head-on:

  1. Kris does not want to be in EXO anymore. That's why he left. He doesn't want to be in SM, he doesn't want to be a K-pop Idol, he doesn't even want to be known as "Kris from EXO" anymore. 
  2. Kris changed his name back to his real one. Likewise, you, too, should get back to reality.
  3. Wu Yifan has already gotten a fantastic start on his new acting career in China. He's happy, he's where he's always wanted to be, he's probably not even thinking about EXO or SM anymore. 
  4. EXO11 cannot wait for Kris to rejoin them; they have other things to do, and the world does not stop because one of their members is no longer continuing with them. Why should their careers be hampered because Yifan decided to take his in another direction?
  5. It is possible to support both EXO11 and Wu Yifan at the same time.
  6. Just because Sehun changed his Instagram tagline to "EXO11" doesn't mean he hates Yifan. He probably just wants fans to support 11 just as they would support 12. 
  7. Don't blow everything out of proportion and don't be so hurt over something as trivial as an Instagram bio. 12 - 1 = 11, there are now 11 members in EXO, therefore: EXO11.
  8. The decision to accept EXO11 or EXO12 is entirely up to you, but don't feel so insulted when the actual EXO members decide to support ot11, because that, too, is entirely their choice.
  9. There was never any kind of agreement between the fans and Baekhyun/Taeyeon that they were required to tell their fans about their relationship anyway, and there was never any agreement between the fans and the idols that they couldn't use their social media accounts to send vague messages to each other, anyway, so seriously, don't feel so betrayed or insulted.
  10. The people petitioning for Baekhyun to leave EXO are the ones who need to leave. Nobody wants them here.

There's just so much going on in the fandom right now, and so much of it is negative & honestly, I understand why so many people are leaving. I mean, who wants to be part of a fandom where everyone just freaks out and fights all the time, where people are hostile to the very idols they claim to love? The problem is that, I think, people in this fandom feel themselves waaay too involved in situations that have nothing to do with us personally. You don't like BaekYeon? Well, that's your hard luck, because BaekYeon seems to like each other enough to go out. You want EXO back as OT12? Well, that's your hard luck, because Wu Yifan is having a great time working on his new movie in Prague. You hate Sehun for posting "EXO11" on his Instagram? Well, that's your hard luck because it's his Insta and not yours and he doesn't have to do what you say, and he's the one who is actually in EXO. And instead of feeling disappointed or betrayed or hurt or whatever, maybe you should take this time to exercise some healthy coping methods, accept what you can't change, and do something else with the time you used to fangirl for EXO.

I mean, there has to be more to your life than EXO. Go do whatever it was you did before you were in the fandom, and when you feel that you are calm and mature enough to re-enter the fandom, then do so. Otherwise, calm yourselves, for once. Here's an exercise for you to try out: the next time EXO drama pops up, read the news, soak it all in, and then just keep going about your business. Pretend that is happening in a fandom that you're not in.

Here's an idea: go take your offended EXO feels and turn it into support for f(x), who are about to have a comeback very soon and need just as much love and support. Take a break from EXO until you feel you can be their fan again without contributing to the negativity.


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Thank you for saying this. Thank you. The drama is this fandom is uncalled for and so freaking immature, it's why EXO fans have a bad rep and why EXO as a group suffers so much hate.
...People are bashing Sehun just because he changed his username and bio? What.The.Actual.Spoiled sugar plums. I really need to take an actual break from this fandom. I just don't want to be involved with any more drama. People seriously need to RESPECT their idols' decisions and give them the space they need because THEY'RE ALL JUST HUMAN BEINGS. I don't understand why people just can't accept that!

You know people are bashing Sehun now to for changing his username? I'm sorry but that's pathetic. He chan change his username to whatever he pleases. As for Kris, I was hurt that he left but at the same time I respected his decision and for the love of everything...why do fans feel the need to pick over Exo11 or Exo12? Can't we just respect them all even though Kris isn't in Exo anymore? He's a grown man he can make his own decisions.

As a DBSK fan I can tell Exo fans that choosing sides only worsens the situation trust me on that.

But anywho for the Baekyeon dating...they aren't my favorite couple to be honest but they are real whether we like it or not.

My words may sound harsh but to those bashing Baekhyun or Taeyeon how can you still possibly call yourself an EXO or SNSD fan? They aren't my favorites either but we should still respect them as HUMAN BEINGS with real emotions and feelings. I swear people are putting way too much thought in this thing it's just two people dating. Let's all put our big girl/boy pants on and GET over it.

Thank you for being yet another reasonable fan I've encountered ^^ Honestly, the EXO fandom needs more people like you.

Let's use our energy for something positive rather than negative. Like cheering for other groups like you said using Fx as an example ^^ I've kind of taken a break from EXO even though I still like all the guys, I just can't handle the negativity right now and distancing myself from the fandom. Not leaving of course, just taking a break for now...
pompompoop #4
omg i love youu. i'm just so sick of all the crap those fans are saying like calm the down
i do agree in everything youve said. i just hope all this will escalate downright as quick as possible. no maatter what happpens exo is forever ot12 in my heart-- its kinda delusional and absurd, but i cant just quickly erase in my whole being that kris was once a member of exo, and to top of that, hes my ultimate biased-- its like neglecting almost half of ur whole life. forgeting that galaxy-lover, glutonic pizza-lover, angry bird, picasso, DUIZHANG of exo is like throwing half of my life in a thrash bin of doom-ness. but ill still forever be supporting exo even as ot11 and now actor wu yi fan. ohmy im going to cry again- shet ohmy kris huhuhu T^^^T

some exo stans should stop whining and think rationally. obstacles arrrive HARD AND RAW in every fandom. during these times, we should learn to be tough and apply the art of unity. our idols, our exo need as the most this time. its time to showw the real essence of being an exo stan!! fighting ot11 and actor yi fan! We are One, We are Exo!~ ♥

But what I dislike, is that fans promise to love and support their oppas and unnies, but when something happens they're all like OH YOU BETRAYED ME LIKE NO ITS THEIR LIFE, AFKJSLDKXZLC.

uguughughhuhhhhhhhhhhhh FUDGE, get over it, it's highschool drama over and over again.

TAEYEON HAS KEPT ALL HER PROMISES NOT GETTING INTO ANY SCANDALS AND LATELY BEFORE SHE MET BAEK I THOUGHT SHE WAS GETTING REALLY DEPRESSED.. like especially in IGAB era, she looked fed up with her career as a singer and I've been worried since she even admitted and sunny admitted that she was feeling more down than usual on a radio show :/. People tell me I look too much into it but I care more for my idols health, happiness and well being than anything else. Dude my bias' are Taeyeon/Jessica/Hyohyeon and Baek/Kris/Chanyeol

I miss how funny our fandom used to be now everyone is so overdramatic and just..... ugh un friendly, I mean on my tumblr I'm on the good side of it so I don't see too much negativity but on the surface it's a complete mess. *sighs* I don't know what to do with this fandom anymore, but I'm not ready to give up, since I'm attached to my boys.

I took a break from exo and I'm currently HARDDD INTO GOT7 /they ruined me LOOLL, infinite and f(x), AKMU!! too I mean I liked them before but I'm into them more than usual lately~!!
Thank Shisus. Finally, someone has voiced out their opinion. @thecafewriter I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND YOU. I mean while all my so-called-friends are bashing Taeyeon by saying that she's ugly and what not (IM A HUGE SONE WITHOUT SNSD I WOULDN'T HAVE KNOWN KPOP) I'm jist here like:"yay." SIGHS. Then that Kris issue has been almost 2 months already and they're all so mad at me and calling me a FAKE fan because its not making me hurt that much and I feel a little neutral about it now. LIKE DAFAQ U HURT MY FREAKING TAEYEON AND NOW U'RE TELLING ME THAT I AM A FAKE FAN?! Garh.
I like how everyone is praising you. Yes the Fandom looks like . But its not like Exo or SM is all goody-two shoes in all of this. Yes you never said anything about SM not being a goody-two shoes. (Correct me if I am wrong) But I think EXO and SM could have made better decisions, as well as the fans. I wont say the reasons because well im sick of saying it, ive had enough of all this.
You, my friend, deserve a trophy and a million bucks. //pats you on the back// If I could hug you, I would, because what you are saying needs to be screamed so the world can hear.
"There was never any kind of agreement between the fans and Baekhyun/Taeyeon that they were required to tell their fans about their relationship anyway, and there was never any agreement between the fans and the idols that they couldn't use their social media accounts to send vague messages to each other, anyway, so seriously, don't feel so betrayed or insulted."

Preach. I wish I could yell these words into the ears of knetz. They're the nastiest bunch ever.
rachelhasnolife #11
yes. I feel you man, in seriously becoming depressed and annoyed at 5 yr old fans on the internet. I LOVE THESE BOYS but I hate haveing to counter every single hateful, immature post about exo. Grow up I can't help you. Actually I am and still a shawol as much as a exo fan. But the amount of drama in this fandom is killing me.
There's a petition about Baekhyun leaving EXO? Yeah, I take back what I said before about understanding, because they clearly don't. This is way too much. Everything you said is 5,000% ON POINT, and they really need to just calm the down, but it's chaos right now. EXO doesn't need this from anyone. These people aren't true fans if many of them are acting like this. They need to read this and re-evaluate their whole lives. And I greatly admire how, even though you're in the EXO fandom, you've moved on. You learned to accept it, and you are a super sane person, lol. I just cannot agree with this post any more, it's perfectly logical and correct. (By the way, I am pretty excited for f(x)'s comeback! I loved BEAST's entire Good Luck album, too! Perfection.)
THIS. //hats off// At first I was actually against OT11 anf Baekyeon but as soon as time passes I learned to accept it. Yifan is happy with his career now and I think it was the actual career he wanted, even though he left doesn't mean that the other members would forget him, I think they would still stay friends, it'll just take time. For Baekyeon, it is not their fault that they had fallen in love right? People will like each other without even noticing that they had fallen, it just comes naturally. Baekhyun can't be single forever and it is nearly impossible that Baekhyun will end up with ALL of us fans, like seriously is that what the others want? For Baekhyun to end up with EVERY fan. Atleast he had found his happiness, even though we're hurting, at the end of the day, we would always think of his happiness, right?