If you recently read, exo "fans" made a petition for Baekhyun to leave exo. If you have some sense in you read this. Sure, as a fan I fell sad, but its his life! I support his relationship because he might be happy with it! If you are a real fan you will support him and his relationship, not try to make him quit exo because you fell "betrayed". I am an international fan! I will support their choice, so do me a favor! Tell all your friends who are exotics or fans of exo, tell them to "STOP THE THIS CRAP" this is stupid. Fans right now say that and they are just going to break exo up more! We already lost Galaxy (Kris) do we really have to lose our Bacon (Baekhyun) too?! So for all you fans that signed the petition for Baekhyun to leave exo, well "F**K YOU! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DECIDE IF SOMEONE CAN FALL IN LOVE OR NOT!!!!" This really made me upset so please pass this message on to everyone one of your friends, as many as you can! I will post this on my other 2 accounts! And if you can copy paste it into your blog or tell your friends, it wont count as plagarizism if I give you permission which I do! So please help, so exo wont lose another member! and we have to get their popularity back! Exo went from 3rd place to 9nth place! We want them to go back up or even higher! We can do it! I know you can! So even if you arent an exo fan, you can still help! We need as much help as we can get! 


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