I feel bad for EXO (Sasaeng Fan Rant)

I am horribly digusted by "sasaeng fans", people who do such lowly things should be put in jail. I do not and will never understand them. As brutal and harsh as I may sound, I do not consider "sasaeng fans" humans. Bash me all you want, but I will never consider such lowly beings who do not know how to respect other's privacy human. The things that they do are despicable and horrid. Not only is it rude and disrespectful to go through another person's private life, it is also illegal and those who violates such laws should definitely be locked up. They don't just hurt their idols, they hurt the people within the fandom too. 

With EXO's growing popularity, I feel happy and worried for them at the same time. The more fans they gain, the more sasaengs that they gain along with it. No idol, no cross that, no HUMAN should go through such things. Idols are humans too, give them space so that they can breathe. Do not violate their rights as humans.

Sasaengs should be thankful that their idols are putting up with their . As much as I am thankful for the idols who have dealt with sasaengs for years, and are willing to continue on and perform for the normal fans, I deeply feel that they should quit the idol life and find peace within their life again. But that, I know, is impossible. I love my idols to death and will respect every choice that they make, if they feel like they want to escape from the idol life and try to find a quiet and normal one, I will support them to the end. 

In the end, I will say this once more, I do not and will never consider such filthy and lowly beings as humans. Call me evil and stupid all you want, but I will not put up with people who get away with violating their idols human rights.


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