little hiatus...or long...

I've never kept to my hiatus' before in the past because I love this site too much to leave it even for one day.

But I think today, it would be a good idea for me to leave.
Don't get ther wrong idea please, I'm not just leaving this site.

I'm also going to be leaving Facebook, Twitter, Soompi and all the other profiles I have on the internet.

Some of my close friends might know that this is another one of my mood swings and you're right. It totally is. And I don't want to talk about it. To anyone.



I doubt anyone is going to miss me. So don't comment to say that you will.


noneedtoknowme/ime_fr is on hiatus now...haha...gosh...all my friends are busy.

My best friends (excluding her even though she IS my best friend) have stopped talking to me. Hmm...I wonder why.


If you go on the Home Page of Asian FanFics often enough, I'm sure that you've already read that this site had hit 20, 000 users already (even though I've realised that many of them are never on this site) so I doubt anyone is going to miss me if I leave this site for a few days, for a few weeks and if it happens to be a few months then you can say buh-bye to me.

I'm not leaving because of user issues, fanfic plagrism or anything. I'm leaving (or MIGHT be leaving) on my own accord. When I do, I'm also going to delete all my friends on other profiles of mine. Facebook...Twitter...everything.


I say this everytime but I never keep my promises. I've made my decision now. I'm doing it and I'm doing it once and for all.


Everyone here make too big of a deal for Korean music and now I've also realised that I'VE been making too big of a deal for it. True, I know that Korean music is awesome, the tune, melody and the singers are awesome, their cute and everything a girl wants a guy to be. But, no one's ever thought of any other music genres? Japanese? Taiwanes? Chinese?

I guess no one has. I haven't either so I have no right to judge anyone else but now I'm going back. I've just realised that simple is the best. Korean music industry makes too big of a deal for EVERYTHING. Variety shows, music videos, singers...what happened to keeping life simple and non-complicated?


I don't know anymore.
Taiwanese music was the place that got me here and it's the place where it's all going to end.


Once again, don't say you are going to miss me. I'm sure no one will. After all, I'm not important to your lives what so ever so who the hell cares right? I'm just another users on Asian FanFics that is a Shawol and an avid Korean music lover. That's all I am.


I've already begun to lost my ability to love, to cry, to be angry. You guys are going to say to me that I'm still human. Yes, I am still human, but I've become numb to everything. I've cried so many times in my 15 years (nearly 16 this April) that I've lost all my tears. I've lost my trust in love, in everything to be exact.

This site helped me try to figure it all out and help me gain it back but, in the end, it didn't come to anything. HaHa...


I'm just tired. I'm just tired of always having to wait for people to talk to me. I'm tired of always the one trying. I'm tired of always the one waiting for things to happen when they never do!

For example, I thought that my L i f e fanfic will be good...but I guess it isn't. I update like a fornight or more ago and I haven't gotten a single comment on it yet. I could make an excuse for myself and say that it's all because that the subscribers are busy but I KNOW, I KNOW that they are not. Because I still chat to some of them.

B2ST_SHINee21, onewsyeojachingu (she changed her username and I dunno how to spell it), lerruh, twinklingconfusion, ldyxdavil, roobaa, mariangel, YmiNgo, ZuZuKim, newjongki, ShineeEllaBaby and all my other close friends are gone. We don't have anything to talk about anymore. It's always the same conversation between us.

"Hey, how are you?"

"Good. U?"

"Okay I guess...I have a lot of homework...what about you? how's school?"

"oh...I'm's fine..."

"^^ cool..."



I have to go. I don't expect any responses so don't feel obligated.


Last thing.


I bloody HATE the United States of America. Forever. Until my death.






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but SOPH I just came back from my long hiatus but now your going? <br />
Hope things settle for you^^ <3333 <br />
-yoomixstar btw <3
OMG WTF when i was going to answer my aff this week-end, ure on hiatus O.O<br />
and i'll send u a mail now since i want to talk to u in private!<br />
-xminhye #3
U leaving ?<br />
Then how abt my fic? Ur paired with Onew.. <br />
And do u still wan the photoshop?<br />
With Onew or Jung Geun Suk ?
icemochi18 #4
I can't believe you.
well, i actually read teh first part. and somewhat I feel teh need to go on hiatus too. T_T <br />
<br />
mood swings. yeah, i agree x|