I really can't not make a post about this..

I am an admin at an roleplay called 8 bottles of vodka.. This rp used to be a happy place filled with fun and love and healthy relationships.

However, there were these J-rock rp-ers who joined and began making drama. They pushed other characters to cheat on their loved ones and pressured some others to have with them.

Partly due to this and partly due to the general bad reputation with many characters, we changed the policy and no longer allow J-rock rp-ers in our rp.

After this policy changed happened, the rp-ers who we kicked out began to bash the rp and pressure other people to leave (main culprit being Mrs_G-Dragon )

This got so out of hand that after we blocked the J-rock people from our aff page, our facebook rp and everything, they were still hurting people within the rp.

Eventually one of our rp-ers was bullied to the point where she decided to take her own life.

She drank down expired medicine and slit her wrist and was in a coma for around 16-18 hours (if it wasnt for another rp-er who rushed to her on time she would have died)

She is now barely out of the ICU and might still slip back into a coma.

What is so painful and hurtful to me is the fact that the culprit knew about the rp-er's sensitivity and attachment to rps. She knew how she had a dream about killing herself and had been cutting for many years. Yet despite so, the culprit continued to bully her and hurt her. I dont understand why someone like the culprit exists. She is more than twice the rp-er's age and yet act as if she is a child.

My friend and co-admin made a blog post with screenshots of some of the conversations that happened. Here is the link

I pray to god that the rp-er will be alright,


ps.. if someone with the user name Mrs_G-Dragon applies for you rp, especially as a j-rocker.. dont accept

pps. please link this blog post so as many people are aware as possible




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