+ friendship day

whoa guess what-


i just found out that today, August 3rd 2014 is actually Friendship Day (thanks to Google lmao). so i was wondering about what the heck does people do in this day because i honestly have no idea. uhm. more like this is the first time i know that this day even exist, lol i know- i have little knowledge, w eeps.


btw, uhm happy friendship day to all of you. thanks for being my friends; bad friends, good friends, whatever- not like i really have friends. okay- so i am thankful to all the friends i actually have (including the real life one).


thanks for being by my side, it's always helpful to have even just one person by your side than no one. i know i'm quite annoying at times, like most of the time. but thanks for being able to bear with it and stay as my friend. ily all really much. thanks for everything. in short, thanks for making me feel special to have you guys.



let's stay as amazing friends!




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happy friendship day <3
Happy friendship day to you too dear~