snsd and dangerous boys APPLICATION

Username: xTaeMinX

AFF link:

Top3 SNSD Biases:

  1. Yuri
  2. Sunny
  3. Yoona


i got this from Epiguide and modified it a little



Character's Full Name:

Oh Jung Hwa




Name origin:


Nickname, if any
(if so, explain its origin – e.g. who created it?):

 Ju Ju

 when he was little, and stumbled on his words a lot (before he could speak fluently), he would accidentally call himself "Ju Ju Hwa"

Does s/he like the nickname?


Birth date:

 June 4, 1988

Place of birth:

 Gwangju, South Korea

Ethnic background




Degree of religious practice
(e.g. orthodox, casual, lapsed):

 Casually lapsed

Current address:

Somewhere in Seoul

Does s/he rent or own?


Brief description of home
(apartment, house, trailer, etc.):

 A nice size apartment that can fit two or three at most



Does s/he live with anyone?


Describe the area in which s/he lives
(big city, town, rural, other):

 big city

Is this his/her ideal home and location?
If not, what would s/he prefer?

 No, even though he likes living in the city (he feels less isolated), he would prefer it to be quieter

Home decor (check all that apply):

___ Expensive _X__ Inexpensive
___ Carefully planned _X__ Comfortable
___ Neat ___ Cluttered

When someone walks in, what's his/her first impression?

 Homey; comfortable and welcoming


_X No (why?)  ___ Yes He's not much of an animal person... He likes cats but he doesn't think he could take proper care of them

If yes, what kind and how many? Name(s)?


How important are they? How well are they treated?


Current occupation
(include length of time, location, job title):

 College student

Job satisfaction (happy, discontent, ambitious...):


Income level:

 Not rich, not poor (he gets his money by doing extra work like helping around so he doesn't work anywhere in particular)


 Not a genius.... he runs on common sense

Does s/he drive? What kind of car does s/he own, if any? (Make, model, color, age, etc.):

Yes, Poniac: Grand Prix, silver, 3 years old, clean and taken care of (he likes cars)

(e.g. straight, gay, biual, aual, unsure...):


Past relationships with whom and for how long?

 Never tried to get close enough to anyone to get in a serious relationship

How did it end?


Did they have a history of cheating on a partner, or will they consider it?

 hates cheaters

Any children? With whom?


Describe relationship with each child (if any):









187 lb

What is his/her body type (skinny, slim, athletic, curvy, overweight, muscular, etc.)?

 Lean, but fit. He doesn't have muscles that stand out, but they're there

 He jogs at least twice a week, and is a really fast runner

Ullzang name and at least 3 HQ pics that are not cut in the head or shoulders area. Preferably, one happy/cute, one serious/angsty and another in formal wear.








Does s/he use glasses? Contacts? Hearing aid?

 sometimes... he wears contacts cause he considers it less of a hastle, but he thinks he looks better in glasses so he tries to wear them as much as he can

 Contacts: jogging/running, hanging out with friends (running around the city; being idiots), going out to eat

 Glasses: reading, formal meetings/gatherings, school, hanging out with friends (just hanging around; not really going anywhere)

Any prominent features, freckles/moles/scars/tattoos/
other distinguishing marks?

 He has a tattoo on the back of his right shoulder, and it's about the size of a standard sticky note



General health (good, excellent, poor...)?

 Good (he drinks)

Any chronic conditions?


Any current health problems?

  He sometimes has trouble breathing (due to his drinking habits), and that interfears with his running

How does s/he dress (mark as many as appropriate):


__ Expensive _X_ Average
__ Inexpensive __ Cheap


Does s/he dress to be noticed? Why?

 No, he doesn't like unnecessary attention 

Any special jewelry?
If so, why is it special?


Other accessories:

 a few rings, a watch, and braclets


___ Every hair in place, very neat (Why?)
___ Average grooming

__X_ Clean but sloppy
___ Unkempt (Why?)

(long, short, crewcut, locs, bangs, side-part etc.):


Natural hair texture
(thick, thin, wiry, smooth, wavy, curly, nappy, etc.):


Current hair texture (if different from above):


Natural hair color:


Current hair color (if different from above):






Pace (does s/he talk fast, average, slow?):


Accent or dialect, if any:

 has a korean accent when speaking japanese or english

Voice tone
(shrill, high, average, deep, squeaky,

hoarse, harsh, authoritative, cultured, etc.):

Deep/ smooth; pleasant to hear

Any favorite/habitual words/phrases or curse words?

he automatically says "" or "damn" when something bad/ exciting happens 

Describe general vocabulary or speech pattern (e.g. educated, precise, pretentious, average, childish, uneducated, vulgar…):

average, but sometimes childish


_X__ Cool/confident
___ Volatile/moody

___ Nervous/fidgety/shy
___ Other?

Typical posture:

___ Stiff and rigid
__X_ Stands straight but not stiffly
__X_ Average, varies with mood
___ Slumped and defeated
___ Slouchy, careless
_X__ Relaxed
___ Other


_X__ Doesn't gesture much
___ Deliberate and controled
_X__ Only when excited/upset
___ Most of the time
___ Wildly/weirdly

Common gestures (e.g. nail-biting, hair patting, drumming fingers, clenched fists, hands in pockets, etc.):

Hands in pockets, arms crossed, ruffles his hair sometimes (it always falls back to how it was), andu drumming his fingers





Finances: (prudent/cautious, average w/some debt, lives paycheck to paycheck, deep in debt, criminal activity, etc.):

 average, with some debt

Describe any personal habits, e.g. smoking, drinking, drugs, gambling, etc. Are any of these addictions?

 He drinks when he's upset or extremely bored to the point where it's sometimes a habit, but not an addiction

He doesn't drink regularly

Morning Routine:

Describe the character's morning rituals. Who else is sleeping in the same bed? What time does he/she wake up? Is he/she cheerful in the morning? What wakes him/her up -- alarm, spouse/lover, kids, pet? What does he/she do during breakfast-read, watch tv, feed kids, etc.

 He wakes up and just sits in bed for a few minutes (sometimes he falls back asleep). Once he gets up, he turns on music and brushes his teeth, eats breakfast, picks out what to wear, and gets ready for school





Now describe the character's workday or afternoon behavior. Does s/he work outside the home? How does he/she get there? Does he/she anticipate, dread, resent the work ahead? Does s/he give the job genuine attention and effort? Does s/he enjoy this work? Is s/he good at this job? What would he/she rather be doing? How long and hard is the work day?


Does s/he stop for lunch? Where? He eats with his friends in a local food court, something cheap and comfortable…and serves Soju


 Hangs out with a few friends, plays video games, goes to the mall sometimes


 He normally goes out to eat, with friends and at a small cafe close to home/ school


Does s/he eat at home or go out a lot? If the latter, what is/are his or her favorite restaurant(s)? At home, who prepares the meal? Who does he/she eat it with? What does it typically consist of? What goes on during dinner -- tv, conversation, fighting, reading, etc? Who cleans up?


when he goes out to eat, he goes alone and usually buys something from a vender (hot dogs, pizza, funnel cake, etc)

when he eats at home, he either orders pizza or he just eats a small meal 


What does your character do on a typical evening? Where? With whom? How much does he/she enjoy it? What is the ideal evening for him or her?


 Drinking when he has nothing better to do, plays video games, does school work

sometimes he skips out on his small responsibilities and goes to a club and gets drunk (takes A LOT to get him drunk)





Does he/she go to bed at a consistent time? Alone or with someone else? Does s/he usually fall asleep right way, or is s/he an insomniac? Does he/she dream -- a lot, a little, never? Are most of his/her dreams scary, pleasant, ual, imaginative? Are there any recurring dreams? Does s/he sleep well or poorly (e.g. tossing & turning)?


 He's an insomniac and doesn't really dream often, but when he does he remembers them perfectly (sometimes ual, but rarely)



 Piano, guitar, running, cooking (but he's too lazy to cook sometimes), drawing (art), dancing

What is s/he particularly unskilled at?

 math, science, swimming

Any hobbies (sports, arts, collecting, gaming, etc.):

 cooking and dancing





Home town (if different from current home):

Gwangju, South Korea

Was his/her childhood happy? Troubled? Dull? (And does the character remember it accurately?)



Earliest memory:

 cooking with his mother 

Saddest memory:

 mom's death (car accident) 

Happiest memory:

 winning a dance contest


How much school did s/he attend, if any?
Did/does s/he like school? Why or why not?

  He sometimes skips, but only if he sleeps in or is too tired/ sick to go

 He doesn't love school, but he doesn't hate it


Most significant childhood event:

 dad paying for dance/ piano lessons 

Other significant childhood events, if any?

  mom teaching him how to cook


Significant past jobs:



Any police record?


If so, what was the arrest for? When/where?

 Drunk driving

Convictions? Sentence(s) served?

 friends bailed him out

First crush or romantic love?


What was his/her first ual experience?
Is it a positive/negative memory?

 He's a , but he sure as hell doesn't act like one 

Major accidents or traumas?
How is s/he still affected, if at all?


 Mom's death... kept to himself and doesn't let too many people get too close to him (relationship wise)






Mother's name (include maiden name if known/applicable):

 Hara Tsumi

Mother's current status:

__ living _X__ deceased
(If living, her age: ____)

Mother's occupation, if any:


Describe the mother's relationship with character:

 Very close, almost best friends

Father's name:

 Oh HunWoo

Father's current status:

_X__ living ___ deceased
(If living, his age: _48_)

Father's occupation, if any:

 waiter at a restaurant

Describe the father's relationship with character:

 Were close, but after the death of his mother, they grew apart... JungHwa visits occasionally

Any step-parents, foster parents,
or birth parents (if not same as above):


If s/he is adopted, does s/he know?


Any siblings (include age and birth order, i.e. relative to main character):

 Only child

Relationship with each:


Nieces/Nephews, if any:


In-Laws, if any:


Other than the above, who else in the story is part of his/her extended family (e.g. cousins, aunts/uncles, grandparents, etc.)?

 none that he knows of





Who, if anyone, is his/her best or closest friend?

 Park TaeJun (ULZZANG) , Yu HaMin (ULZZANG), Kim Jonghyun (SHINEE) , Soohyun (UKISS), Amber (FX), KRYSTAL (FX), Yuri (SNSD)

Other close friends:

 Not that many

How in general does s/he react to or is perceived by...


 cool, yet kind




Past spouse/lovers?


Own children, if any?


Other family members


The opposite ?

 Hot/ cute/ y

 Friends: cute and sweet, easy to talk to

Children in general?

 a little hard to aproch, but once they do he's fun (he likes children)

Others who are more successful?


Others who are less successful?


Boss (if any)?


Underlings at work?




Authority (police, IRS, politicians, attorneys, doctors, etc.)?

 someone that tends to make mistakes, but tries hard to fix them...

Anyone who challenges him or her?

 He's ambitious

Anyone who angers him or her?

 when angered he's kinda a bastard (not angered easily)

Anyone who asks for help?

 He's kind and helpful

What do most people consider likeable about him/her?

 How he seems to relate to everyone

What do most people consider his/her biggest flaw?

 he doesn't let anyone get to know him too well

Any secret attractions? If so, does the other person know it? Has there been any actual romantic/ual activity?


In romantic relationships, is s/he generally monogamous or uncommitted? (If the latter, is s/he honest w/ partners?)


Is his/her ual behavior inhibited, average, experimental, or reckless? Has this changed
(and if so, why)?

 average/ experimental

Whom does s/he dislikes most, and why?


Whom does s/he like most, and why?


Who's the most important person
in his/her life right now, and why?

 friends, they keep him from ing up his life 

Whom does s/he admire (nonromantic), and why?


Biggest influence, and why (famous or not)?

 Mom, taught him to stay strong

Whom (if anyone) does s/he consider an enemy, and why?


Person s/he most misunderstands or misjudges:

 tries to understand most people

Person who most misunderstands or misjudges him or her:

 his dad

Has s/he's lost touch with anyone who was once significant in his/her life? If so, why?

Mom~ he wishes she was still with him

Worst end of a relationship (could be friend, romantic, colleague...)

 tries to keep all of his friends close

Whom does s/he most rely on for practical advice?


Whom does s/he most rely on for emotional support?


Whom, if anyone, does s/he support (e.g. advice or emotional support)?






Any psychological issues (e.g. phobias,
depression, paranoia, narcissism, etc.)?

 hates the sight of blood 

Is s/he an optimist or pessimist?


Meyers Briggs Personality Type:
(Don't know? Take a sample test for your character.)

 around others: cool exterior, doesn't talk much or at all

around friends: childish, yet fatherly/ brotherly at times

Most comfortable when ...
(alone, hanging w/friends, drinking, etc.):

 with friends

Most uncomfortable when ...
(in a crowd, alone, speaking in public, etc.:

 alone (which is often)

Is s/he cautious, brave, or reckless
in his/her approach to life?

 cautious but reckless at times

What does s/he most value/prioritize?
(family, money, success, religion, etc.)

 a picture of his mom

Whom does he/she really love best?


What would he/she be willing to die for?


Is s/he generally compassionate, sensitive to others?
Or self-involved/selfish/oblivious?

 compassionate, but not sensitive

 could care less about what others think or say about him

Personal philosophy:

 he doesn't care if someone is his friend or enemy, if they put even a little trust in him, then he will try his hardest to never abandon that

What is his/her biggest embarrassment?

  friends made him laugh so hard, he peed his pants 

What is his/her greatest wish?

 to have his mom back 

Any prejudices (race, culture, uality, religion, etc.)?


Political party or beliefs, if any:

 isn't into politics

Does s/he believe in fate or destiny? Is s/he superstitious?


Character's greatest strength:

 getting out of trouble 

Character's greatest flaw:

 hides his REAL emotions 

Other good characteristics:

 kind and caring 

Other character flaws:

 can be a jerk to people he doesn't know 

What are his/her own favorite attributes
(physical and personality)?
What about least favorite?

 he likes his eyes

his least favorite would be that he distances himself from people 

Are these feelings accurate?


How does s/he think others perceive him or her? (And is this accurate?)

 couldn't care less about with others think of him

Biggest regret:

  he thinks about ever decision he makes so he rarely regrets anything he does

Other regrets:


Proudest accomplishment:

 making a difficult pie for him mom on mother's day 

Other accomplishments:

 being best dancer in school 

Biggest secret(s):

He’s a and because he's never dated anyone, he's sometimes awkward around girls that seem to take interest in him


Does anyone else know these secrets?


If yes, how were the secrets revealed?



How does s/he react to a crisis?

 the first thing he says is either "" or "damn", then he reacts in the way he thinks is best 

What usually causes the problems in his/her life (romance, finances, friends, colleagues, personality flaws, health, etc.)?

 His drinking habits


How does s/he react to change?

 doesn't like change 


 bites the tip of his thumb when he's thinking too hard 

What would s/he most like to change about her-/himself, and why?

 how he tends to isolate himself from others that try to get too close 

Write a paragraph (~100 words) of the character describing him/herself:

 Annyeong, I'm Oh JungHwa. I was born in Gwangju, South Korea when I was little and lived there till my mom died in a car accident, when i was 7. After that incident my father and I moved to Seoul, and that is where I currently live. I'm ashamed to admit that after my mother's death, I distanced myself from everyone, even my dad. That is why I don't make friends very well, but if I tried, I know i could. After I started college, and moved out, I tried drinking and it's been a guilty habit ever since. When I first started drinking, I was arrested for drunk driving, but Soohyun, one of my closest friends, bailed me out. My life is acutally pretty average, and nothing interesting ever really happens to me.

Short term goals:

To finish college

Long term goals:

 learn how to swim

Does s/he plan to achieve these goals, or does s/he think they're unrealistic?

 He's a pretty realistic guy

Will others be affected?
If yes, does it matter to the character?


What, if anything, is stopping him/her from achieving these goals?

 he doesn't want to drown

What does he/she actively work to gain, keep or protect?


What event or occurrence does s/he most dread or fear?

 losing those who are close to him (not that many)

Which person in his/her life would s/he most want to emulate?

 his mom (wants to be like her)

Which person in his/her life would s/he leastwant to emulate?









 Strawberry Daiquiri


 black, red, silver




 Hanabul series


 Scream, Aim, Fire by Bullet for My Valentine


 All My Love


 basketball and track


 if you don't make an effert to get to know me, then i won't either


 at a friends house or anywhere he can get some alcohol


 mom's portrait


Computer literate?

Email address(es): [email protected] (not a real adress)

Uses computer for business, pleasure, both? both

Play computer games?

List 4 online site(s) (URLs) visited daily?
1. youtube
2. facebook


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