❝domino academy❞ ▬ lindsay lu



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rate your availability: 9-10 (school holiday's coming up soon, I'll be free then)
password: 我是WOLF! 一头WOLF! AWOOO!



name: Lindsay Lu (English), Lu LinXi (Chinese: 鹿林夕)
race: Chinese
age: 22 (international age), 23 (Korean age)
birth date:  October 29, 1992



appearance: Gallery
ulzzang name: lee da som
symbols: She has a birthmark on her left wrist, in the shape of a wolf's paw print. The birthmark evolves into a wolf when she unleashes full energy on her power.



↪ ATTENTIVE ⇒ She is a very attentive girl. Whenever she's in her class, it's very hard for the other students to gain her attention. Also, when she's assigned to do something, she'd always work on it until it's completely finished. She is a very hard-working girl that wants the best for her and her friends. When it comes to training archery with her father or cousin, she'd listen well and learn fast. She is a very good listener, and she is fast to understand things. She was once avoided by most students because of how she's like the 'teacher's pet', always caring and being a good student.

↪ BALANCED ⇒ Lin is a very thoughtful girl, she always cares about her family and friends. She's like a mother to them, caring and sweet. But also, she's ambitious. She is passionate and has a strong will in success. Though, she can handle stress easily, she is a calm-before-the-storm type of girl. When her rival loses, she often goes up to her/him, takes a deep breath to calm her anger, and turns her back on him/her and struts off, saying the words "See ya later, alligator." She is, overall, a bit of a quick-tempered person.

↪ FLEXIBLE ⇒ Always making friends, she can suit in any personality her friends have. She is a bit of a bipolar girl. She worries about something, staying silent for a minute. But when her friend suddenly comes over and tells her a joke, she'd get talkative and laugh all the time. She is friendly and kind. She can understand what her friends need, or feel, or even their problems. Although, she isn't really used to boys' personality, as how mature she is and how often she goes out with only female friends while the others hang out with both male and female.

↪ AGGRESSIVE ⇒ Sometimes, when it gets to fights, Lin just couldn't stand it. She'd yell "GUYS! ENOUGH! NO MORE FIGHTING!" and shift into a liger (lion-tiger) or a cobra whenever two guys fight over something, either it was a big problem or a small one. The harder people fight, the more aggressive she is. She kinda uses her rage to stop the fight. Also, when her close ones are hurt because of the bullies, she'd yell "Leave him/her alone or you'll pay the price," and when the bullies didn't budge, she'd start attacking them with her Tai Chi. She is a very skilled fighter, also trained to fight well in archery. She hits precisely in the bullseye, which made her opponents slightly terrified of her.

↪ GLARING PRINCESS ⇒ She often glares at people, especially the ones she hate or the ones who threaten her and her friends. When some boys, or any flirty boys casually walk and call her name, she'd return and threaten them with a glare, as if her eyes say "Don't you come closer or my wolf will kill you." In other cases, when one of her friends get threatened by someone, she'd glare as if her eyes said "If you're gonna mess with him/her, you'll have to get through me first". When she's pissed off and someone comes over to her, she'd glare at the person, signing him/her to leave her alone. She often has a glaring contest with her rival before she starts fighting. She was like an ice princess to the queenkas in her schools. Hence, only some who truly understand her would be her friends.

↪ COMPETITIVE-PERFECTIONIST ⇒ She is a girl who loves challenges. New tricks? New lessons? New rivals? Bring it on! She's always wanted to strive for first place, thus becoming very perfectionist in her combat skills and her powers. She always trained harder and longer than her brother does. She doesn't stop until she's 100% sure that she's able to beat her rival. She would even ask her brother to accompany her. So be aware of her... She might be a strict trainer to you someday.

It was a few months before she turned 20. One day, she felt this incredible pain coming from her whole body. She couldn't even concentrate in her studies for she was busy moving around restlessly in pain. Her flesh seemed to struggle out of her skin, her heart seemed to lunge out of her ribcage. She felt like she would die back then. But the odd thing is, her pain disappeared as the sun begins to set. She walked home as the pain seem to magically fade away. She stopped for the library awhile: she had to catch up some homework. Evening was coming soon, and she continued walking home in the twilight sky. As the night strikes, she felt weird, like somehow her vision had become clear in the dark. She was about to go into her usual path in the park, but it was blocked due to a construction work. So the only way she had is into a dark, quiet alley. Feeling that she was able enough to see in the dark, she picked up her confidence and walked into the alley. Halfway through, nothing happened. All was fine until she heard some footsteps behind her. Terrified and alerted, she quickened her pace until a voice stopped her, telling her that if she takes another step, she'll die. She began to wonder if the man was a criminal, so she froze in her spot. From just a single sound, she could notice that the man was unsheathing a dagger. Even more terrified and scared, fangs started to grow. As the man raised his dagger, bones and flesh moved in super speed and before he knew it, her spot was replaced by a huge black wolf. She turned her back to confront the man, letting out a menacing snarl to threaten him. Clear white fangs shone in the moonlight, her snout was wrinkled as she growled at the man. As the man was about to run away, she leaped and pounced at the man. And with one single twist on his neck with her big paws, the man fell flat on his face onto the floor, a pool of blood streaming out from his neck and face. And just like that, the wolf left for the woods, leaving the man alone. After staying a while in a lake, her bones and flesh slowly moved back into her original form, making the transformation more painful than the earlier one. She examined her still-stinging-in-pain wrist and saw the paw print had changed into a wolf for the first time. She glanced down as a mix of feelings washed over her thoughts. She decided to forget about all the killing deeds and went straight home.

And when she did, her brother immediately saw of her traumatic eyes. "LinXi? What happened? Why are you home so late?" he asked in concern. "What's wrong?" And because their aunt was still there and she didn't want her to worry much, she said that she was fine, though her brother knew that something was wrong. So that night, he visited her room and asked for the truth. Only then she told him about the incident, which left her brother wide-eyed. She sighed and asked him "Gege, am I... like you?" He asked what she meant by that, and she asked him if she was a Domino. "According to the pain you felt this morning, your birthmark changing, and the incident... I would say that you are."

Her father's name is Lu Da Wei. He is a well-known archer who is one of the famous archers in Domino City. Lin gets her archery skills from him, and loves to stick with him at certain times. He is a shapeshifter, and can shapeshift into both living objects (animals, other Dominos/humans) and non-living objects (tables, chairs, beds, etc.). He is a passionate, fun-loving yet strict man, and is a role model to Lin. He died when Lin was only 11 at the age of 43.

Her mother's name was Lilliana Zhang. She is a Tai Chi trainer in the human world. With telekinesis as her power, she loves to play jokes on the family. It's what keeps them feel alive. She is a playful and a friendly one, but she isn't afraid to boss around if you disobey something. She died along with her husband in the age of 38.

Her older brother, Luhan, was the total opposite of Lin. Being a defensive type, he is a bit shy and quiet. But behind this façade, he is actually a very manly brother who protects anyone he cares about, especially Lin. He is extremely overprotective on Lin due to the loss of their parents, afraid that he might lose his one and only family member left. He keeps contact with her after he enrolls in Domino Academy. Why didn't he enroll with Lin, you might wonder. He enrolled before Lin had discovered about her power.

She was born in Beijing, she was the last of the two children of the Lu Family. She made lots of friends, they loved to play and sing together. She plays a lot with Luhan, though he never allows her to go deep into the forests, where he usually plays alone. He only allows her to go play in the lake, which he thinks is the safest place for her in the woods. When she was 10 and her brother was 12, he started telling her about stories of humans that have superpowers who are called 'Dominoes', and that they exist in real life. At first, she thought it was just another playful story of Luhan's, but she didn't know the secret inside of him. Years passed, and that Domino story never seemed to get off of her mind. She would giggle silently at the thought of her brother telling the story to her. But then her parents had to leave them at the age of 11 and 13, after getting involved in a serious car accident. Since then, her brother had become very protective of her, never leaving her out of his sight. They had to live with their aunt.

One day, his story came true. When she was 14, she was involved in a fight because of the school's jock and queenka. Lin was pushed and shoved on the front courtyard, just because of throwing a ball and accidentally hit the jock's head (the queenka, who was the jock's boyfriend, had it up against her). Lin was fatigued, and she was pushed off by the jock into the middle of the street. A car was about to hit her, which surprised her and made her froze in her spot. Luhan was coincidentally walking near the scene, when one of his friends suddenly saw Lin and reminded her brother about her. Upon seeing her in the middle of the street with a car zooming towards her, he didn't take a single moment to think. "LINXI!!" he rushed towards her, levitated the car with his power, and partly smashing the front section of the car as he pushed Lin out of the street, landing on his embrace. He began to check if she was okay, and said that he was so worried about her. Lin was the only family he had left; he didn't want to lose her. Only then she realized that his stories were true all the time. Her brother was a Domino.

When they were 16 and 18, they moved to Korea as exchange students. That's when they discovered about Domino City and Domino Academy. Lin, knowing the secret of Dominoes, was dragged along by Luhan to stay with him in one of Domino City's 'hotels'. As she turned 20 and found out about her power, Luhan had already enrolled in Domino Academy, which wasn't opening enrollments at the moment. She waited and waited, pretty much lonely since her brother had to train with the others. Two years later, the enrollment opened.

↪ Archery
↪ Sitting by a tree and write romance/love poems and fantasy stories, she prefers when it's near the waters (rivers, lakes, etc.)
↪ Looking at butterflies
↪ Listening to the birds when they chirp/sing
↪ Tai Chi
↪ Training
↪ Horse-riding
↪ Stretching after hard training
↪ Camellias (flowers)
↪ Adventures

↪ Fights. Although she is a fighter, she hates when there's a conflict between two people. Okay, let's rephrase that. She dislikes 'war'.
↪ The color hot pink
↪ Traitors slash backstabbers
↪ Awkward silences
↪ One giving up
↪ Tricks or lies
↪ One looking down on her

↪ When she's happy, she'd smile more often.
↪ When she's amused, she'd smirk a kinda scary yet satisfied smirk. She often says "Impressive." or "Cool." or something that's much similar to the first one "I'm impressed." She sometimes use sarcastic words in addition.
↪ When she's sad, she'd become a mute. If you keep asking her "What's wrong?" "Why are you frowning?" "Did something happen?", she'll break into tears. But slowly, though, it's not like she's gonna sob and cry on your shoulder. Probably a drip or two of her tear would roll down on her cheeks. Plus, she's not an easy person to cheer up.
↪ When she's angry, she'd become a mute, clench her fists, make an inaudible growl, then finally she'll burst out like a raging lion
↪ When she's stressed or confused or don't know what to do, she'd pace all around the room, head facing the ceiling, muttering stuff. She keeps doing that until someone asks her "Lindsay, what's wrong?" Only then she'll let out a deep sigh and finally sit down, gaze on the floor, and replies with a soft quiet voice "I don't know. I really, really don't know." which refers to not knowing what to do or what choice to make
↪ When she's shy, she'd stutter and look down a lot, sometimes blushing in embarrassment
↪ When she's lying, she'd send a death glare to the person right in the eyes and her tone would get higher a bit.

↪ Training
↪ Archery
↪ Sitting by the lake and stare at the landscape or by a waterfall to calm down
↪ Running on higher grounds (e.g. roofs, tree branches, hills)

↪ Has a pet peeve of lisps. She'd shudder every time she hears one. (a/n: imagine her being around sehun ㅋㅋㅋ)
↪ She dislikes aegyo and never falls for it, except when it comes from Luhan
↪ Is right-handed
↪ Her favorite quote is "I never miss." and she says that a lot when a rival thinks she missed an arrow in archery
↪ Favorite food: Bulgogi, ramyun, noodles
↪ Her lucky charm/gem: White diamonds
↪ Favorite color: silver and white
↪ Her ideal type is someone who's tall, handsome, has a leader personality, but at the same time cute and innocent
↪ She growls when it comes to one-on-one fights
↪ Has a very flexible body
↪ Her mother's blood type is O, while her father's was B, which sorta explains why she has different blood type from her brother.
↪ Wishes she would have bloodbending powers so she could bloodbend every person involved in a fight so they would stop fighting at once (explained in personality, she hates fights/war) ↪ Hates the color pink, but likes only one shade of it (#F4C6D1)
↪ Her weak spot is her shoulders, since she's an archer. If you shoot a bullet there, she won't be able to aim well and miss.
↪ A lethal substance to her is silver (ironic enough since it's her favorite color)



domino ability: Animal Morphing, which is a part of her father's shapeshifting
control: She has control over almost everything she morphs into, including fantasial(?) beings (centaurs, unicorns, fauns, etc.). Though, she has difficulties in morphing into gigantic creatures such as dragons, phoenixs, whales, hippogriffins, etc. She can use her power while she is in mid-air (e.g. morphing into a bird as she is falling from a cliff/ oof)
type: As much as her brother majors in defensive, her power is mostly offensive. She can morph in the speed of lightning and attack a person before he can even notice.



friends: The only best friend she has is her brother and an old childhood friend in China named Tiffany Wang (OC). She has quite an acquintance with Kai and Lay through Luhan.

love interest: Wu "Kris" YiFan
She was dragged along with Kai as they wanted to pay Luhan a visit. They then arrived in the class where Luhan was having a chit-chat with Kris and Tao. Shocked upon the sudden appearance, the trio turned their heads to see her. Before Luhan had noticed, the two met eyes for a few seconds. In that moment, she could hear her heart beating faster and blood rushing up to her face. As if on cue, Luhan came and hugged her to hide her blush. It was a brief moment before the bell rang and Kai had to teleport her back to her respective class.

The second meeting was a combat training with both defensives and offensives. The two were paired up and Kris summoned his dragon, but, again, lost control of the creature. Upon this situation, Lin unleashed her power and painfully morphs into a female dragon. She roared at the dragon which lowers its head in defeat,  gaining the students' attention, Kris's mostly. He was surprised that no one had ever been able to tame his dragon except him. After the fight was over, he came over to her. "Sorry about the dragon. He likes to wander off occasionally."

"It's okay. You'll learn how to control him eventually."

They introduced each other and since then, had been friends.

first impression:
She felt like her heart strangled to get out of her ribcage the moment she saw him. Although it was a brief moment, she felt like flowers bloomed inside her. She was surprised for the fact that he was a defensive type, where she thinks that opposites do attract.



remarks: is there any clubs in Domino Academy? Like, as in, Choir, Drama, Basketball, Dance, and stuff like that. If there is, I would say that Lin loves dancing and she applies for the Dance Club. Oh, yeah. Lin's her nickname.
requests: none atm.




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