Day 5 ~ Favorite Song By Your Favorite Guys~

Since I'm an indecisive little bugger, I'm gonna slightly change the requirements for this challenge. It asks for your favorite song by your favorite kpop guy idol group...and since I don't have a specific favorite...I'm just gonna list all my favorite songs from each guy group. I'm gonna try to limit it as much as I won't list solo artists or sub-units ;) Or co-ed groups. Just to make things easier >.<

~AA: Call. By far. I love the emotion the guys put into the singing. I love Aoora's voice ♥

~B1A4: Either My Love or Foooool. Both of these songs are so addictive and cutely catchy...I'd go for any of the guys X3

~B2ST: Fiction, In fiction~ I learned the guys completely to this song, and I love the melody~

~BB.Boys: Obviously We Will Be's the only song they have around XD

~Big Bang: Hmm...Korean? Either Cafe or What Is Right. Japanese? Follow Me or Number One. I love all of their songs ♥

~Block B: FREEZE!!!! ♥ Aegyo, this song changed me forever~ ♥

~The Boss/ DGNA: Lady. So smooth~

~Boyfriend: Uhm...Boyfriend, Don't Touch My Girl, Little By Little, or I'll Be There. I love the cuteness of Boyfriend and I'll Be There, but I also like the tracks for DTMG and Little By Little~

~C.N. Blue: Intuition. I dunno, I honestly don't know a ton of their songs, but this song's been super catchy to me lately~

~Dalmatian: Lost In Love. Found this on iTunes and have been hooked on it crazily

~DBSK: Mirotic. Forever and always will be. This song is what started my obsession. ♥

~DNT: Crazily Pretty. The intro says it all X3

~FT Island: You'll Be In My Heart. Another group I don't know too many songs by, but I love this one in particular. I believe it was the first FT Island I ever heard ;)

~f.cuz: No One. First song by them...favorite song :3

~HITT: I'll Always Love You. So sweet ♥

~Infinite: Paradise. Freaking Paradise. I'm so glad I clicked on the link for this video. Oh...and Come Back Again is also a top contender. And Be Mine. XD

~M.I.B.: Girls Drinks Money. This song is swaggalicious to the max. And I can totally see the maknae line of Block B trolling this song...oh wait, they did X3

~MBLAQ: Mona Lisa~ This song made my summer~ And also Darling. Aish, wae r u all so y???

~Mighty Mouth: Energy with Sun Ye of the Wondergirls. This song...found it on Studio C. And I'm damn glad they played it XD

~MYNAME: Uhm...Message? Derp~ This song is amazing...these rookies have me incredibly impressed :3

~N-Train: One Last Cry. Only N-Train song that I know, but I really love it :3

~N.Sonic: Superboy. My friend played me this song and I loved it. So addicting

~One Way: Magic. Holy crap. I saw these guys live and they're incredible. This song had me up and on my feet without knowing anything about them ♥

~Phantom: Hole In Your Face. Love Sanchez's voice ♥ And derpy Hanhae ♥ And Kiggen ♥

~SM The Ballad: Hot Times. First song by them, loved it~

~SHINee: Tough call...Korean is Lucifer :3 And Get It and Obsession. And Ready Or Not. XD But Japanese? I freaking love ALL of them ♥ Even the remakes

~SLIM: She Really Is My Girl. This song ♥

~SM*SH: Lunatic. It's so addicting, I wish they'd promote in Korea more :/

~SS501: Love Like This. But I like a lot of their stuff :3

~Super Junior: Oh boy...A-Cha and Opera :3 It's I need to explain?

~Supernova: On Days That I Missed You. I'm so glad I came across this song~

~Taken: Hold Up is my favorite, but I also love Young Boy. Even though it's the song of the e X3

~Teen Top: Don't Spray Perfume. Abso-freaking-lutely. This song is love ♥ But I love all Teen Top songs ^^

~The Trax: Blind. I love this song. So amazing ♥

~Twi-Light: Without U. So many beautiful guys ._. I can't~

~U-Kiss. Korean is Neverland. I learned the guys to this song. And fell for them. And Tick Tack is my (obvious) Japanese favorite. The guys look incredible in the MV ♥

~X-5: Fantasy. Or "Fanta-chii" as they say it X3 So cute...the dance is leaving some to be desired though ^^

~ZE:A: Be My Girl or Again or Level Up. There I go again with my indecisiveness~

~2AM: You Wouldn't Answer My Calls. I love their voices, so freaking much. I can't handle it

~2PM: My absolute favorite is I'm Your Man. The tie dance 0.0 ♥


So yup. All my favorite K-Pop songs by my favorite guy groups. However! Because I like to be different, I will also tell you two of my favorite songs from Thai Pop groups that I listen to ;)

My favorite Thai Pop song is Leave Him by K-Otic. This song and MV are pretty cool. A bit awkward though XD

And my other favorite Thai song is Reverse by XIS. LMFAO "XIS-SIX Oh Reverse!" XD ♥


Thanks for listening all~ ♥


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I loooove Cafe~ best song from the album.
Iheartlife #2
Unni, you're confusing me with all of these new bands I've never heard of! DX