Story Ideas

Soooo . . . this would be wonderful if I could have some feedback.
Moon in My Eye is coming to a close (FINALLY--did you know I actually planned on it only being, like MAYBE five chapters? Sheesh) and I'm trying to figure out what to write next. 

I kind of want to write Sumi and Suho's story.
Maybe even some scenes of Chen and Ai Li (they are a freaking adorable couple--I can't just leave the alone! D:).
But other than that, I'll be pretty much leaving the Moon in My Eye universe alone.

So I'm curious. 
Based off the list below, what would you all like to read next? (ps, no promises, but I'm going to try and make these a little shorter than Moon in My Eye)

1) Sumi and Suho's story
2) Scene snippets of Chen and Ai Li 
3) Jaejoong and Solbi's story
4) BTS/Bangtan Boys story


5) Requests/suggestions (like, "Story with [insert group name] please" etc. Or even "I'd like to have a story/scene with {character/s} from Moon in My Eye".)

But if you honestly don't care . . . well, be that way and we'll all be surprised hahaha


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Sumi and Suho's story ? They're too adorable plus the twin, oh my god xD