Just venting -_-


So I'm a HUGE BAP fan. Like, no joke. I swore the day they debuted that if they came to the US I would see their concert no matter what. Theeeeen, they had their first tour in the US and because of unfortunate circumstances, I couldn't go. I legit cried for an hour over it. 
Then they came again this year and again, due to my stuation, I was unable to go. And AGAIN, I cried in my bed, this time for 3 hours. 


I'm also quickly becoming a huge BTS fan, and I learned (today? yesterday?)  that they're coming to the K-con in LA and again, I'm not even able to go. WHY!?!?! WHY CAN I NOT GO AND SEE AT LEAST ONE OF THESE GUYS'S CONCERTS!?!?!!? *points gun at head and shoots self* 


Okay, venting over. Good bye, have fun with your lives. *pouts in a corner*



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At least they visit your country. No one comes to mine lmao.