To all WONKYU authors

Guys I know you are busy with personal matters and I understand that. 


I just wanted you to know that I am not pressuring you to do an update chapter with your fics, Please stay healthy especially to those who has work and does overtime and if you need someone to talk about something, I am here to listen and maybe help you when you need a stress ball. 


I am just worried about some here has been posting about the other readers so I posted my thoughts for you to know that I don't belong to that category. But do forgive me when I coo a lot on them at the comments. XD 


That is all and thank you. :* I love you guys to bits. 


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*pat on shoulder...
We're a big fanfic family. Like all families does, there will be a few weird cuz and odd uncle. Hope fanfic stays strong and fun...
jusrecht #2

I don't know what's going on but /hugs!