Otaku ELF feels

Hey ho! I am back after being quite sometime. I got myself swarmed with school on that period because I was near to graduating in case you were stalking my instagram. (Follow me if you like.) Anyway, now I am a graduate and currently unemployed. I know it but it is quite hard to get a job nowadays. But I'll try again and also help around the house while I am not yet working. 

Just this recently, I was reading manga aagain and the feels of my otaku life zapped me. Now I am balancing elf and otaku feels right now. I'm like in the sinking ship because I ship too many anime characters and I die hard ship WonKyu. Okay, now how am I gonna live?! Kidding, just be sure to jump back to reality once in a while. Are any of youe here loves reading or shoujo? Any suggestions? Comment it down below. :)) 




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