exo_lover66 ; 5 ; lin ; kris

appearance ——  She has an S line in which her brother often teases her about. She was born a brunette, but because she didn't like it, she dyed it pitch black in the age of 12, and it's been like that ever since. Her hair is straight, with slight wavy ends and the length down to her waist. Her skin tone is apricot (ø), the same as her father's. She had a birthmark in the shape of a bow and arrow on her left wrist (ø). She has normal piercings in each ear, where she wears earrings made of pink diamond (ø). She wears a necklace with a white crystal pendant (ø). Her eye colors are light brown (ø). She has a long straight nose, and medium-sized eyes. She once had dimples when she was young, but slowly ceased when she turned 9.
extras ——  none... pretty much everything's explained in the appearance section
style ——  
:: spring

:: summer-autumn
:: winter
:: missions
 (<- the jacket)     
:: formal occasions
:: dance club
personality —— 
ATTENTIVE ⇒ She is a very attentive girl. Whenever she's in her class, it's very hard for the other students to gain her attention. Also, when she's assigned to do something, she'd always work on it until it's completely finished. She is a very hard-working girl that wants the best for her and her friends. When it comes to training archery with her father or cousin, she'd listen well and learn fast. She is a very good listener, and she is fast to understand things. She was once avoided by most students because of how she's like the 'teacher's pet', always caring and being a good student. She was once nearly called the bookworm of the school when she was 5.

BALANCED ⇒ Lin is a very thoughtful girl, she always cares about her family and friends. She's like a mother to them, caring and sweet. But also, she's ambitious. She is passionate and has a strong will in success. Though, she can handle stress easily, she is a calm-before-the-storm type of girl. When her rival loses, she often goes up to her/him, takes a deep breath to calm her anger, and turns her back on him/her and struts off, saying the words "See ya later, alligator." She is, overall, a bit of a quick-tempered person.

FLEXIBLE ⇒ Always making friends, she can suit in any personality her friends have. She is a bit of a bipolar girl. She worries about something, staying silent for a minute. But when her friend suddenly comes over and tells her a joke, she'd get talkative and laugh all the time. But be careful; she's not an easy person to cheer up. Though, she is friendly and kind. She can understand what her friends need, or feel, or even their problems. Although, she isn't really used to boys' personality, as how mature she is and how often she goes out with only female friends while the others hang out with both male and female.

AGGRESSIVE ⇒ Sometimes, when it gets to fights, Lin just couldn't stand it. She'd yell "GUYS! ENOUGH! NO MORE FIGHTING!" whenever two guys fight over something, either it was a big problem or a small one. The harder people fight, the more aggressive she is. She kinda uses her rage to stop the fight. She is a very skilled fighter, also trained to fight well in archery. She hits precisely in the bullseye, which made her opponents slightly terrified of her. And plus, when she makes an angered face, her facial features really look like Kungfu Panda's Master Tigress, and only her close ones can calm her down.

GLARING PRINCESS ⇒ She often glares at people, especially the ones she hate or the ones who threaten her and her friends. If people say looks could kill, the person she glared at would be deader than dead by then. When some boys, or any flirty boys casually walk and call her name, she'd return and threaten them with a glare, as if her eyes say "Don't you come closer or I'll kill you." In other cases, when one of her friends get threatened by someone, she'd glare as if her eyes said "If you're gonna mess with him/her, you'll have to get through me first". When she's pissed off and someone comes over to her, she'd glare at the person, signing him/her to leave her alone. She often has a glaring contest with her rival before she starts fighting. She was like an ice princess to the queenkas in her schools. Hence, only some who truly understand her would be her friends. But she isn't all a glaring princess. In some times, you could see a slight twinkle in her eyes, which was the same feature that her brother had.

COMPETITIVE-PERFECTIONIST ⇒ She is a girl who loves challenges. New tricks? New lessons? New rivals? Bring it on! She's always wanted to strive for first place, thus becoming very perfectionist in her combat, archery, and dancing skills. She always trained harder and longer than her brother does. She doesn't stop until she's 100% sure that she's able to beat her rival. She would even ask her brother to accompany her. So be aware of her... She might be a strict trainer to you someday.

likes ——  
↪ Archery
↪ Sitting by a tree and write romance/love poems and fantasy stories, she prefers when it's near the waters (rivers, lakes, etc.)
↪ Looking at butterflies
↪ Listening to the birds when they chirp/sing
↪ Tai Chi
↪ Training
↪ Horse-riding
↪ Stretching after hard training
↪ Dancing
↪ Camellias (flowers)
↪ Adventures

dislikes ——  
↪ Fights. Although she is a fighter, she hates when there's a conflict between two people. Okay, let's rephrase that. She dislikes 'war'.
↪ Spiders and tarantulas.
↪ Traitors slash backstabbers
↪ Awkward silences
↪ One giving up
↪ Tricks or lies
↪ One looking down on her

↪ The color hot pink
↪ When she's happy, she'd smile more often.
↪ When she's amused, she'd smirk a kinda scary yet satisfied smirk. She often says "Impressive." or "Cool." or something that's much similar to the first one "I'm impressed." She sometimes use sarcastic words in addition.
↪ When she's sad, she'd become a mute. If you keep asking her "What's wrong?" "Why are you frowning?" "Did something happen?", she'll break into tears. But slowly, though, it's not like she's gonna sob and cry on your shoulder. Probably a drip or two of her tear would roll down on her cheeks. Plus, she's not an easy person to cheer up.
↪ When she's angry, she'd become a mute, clench her fists, make an inaudible growl, then finally she'll burst out like a raging lion
↪ When she's stressed or confused or don't know what to do, she'd pace all around the room, head facing the ceiling, muttering stuff. She keeps doing that until someone asks her "Lindsay, what's wrong?" Only then she'll let out a deep sigh and finally sit down, gaze on the floor, and replies with a soft quiet voice "I don't know. I really, really don't know." which refers to not knowing what to do or what choice to make
↪ When she's shy, she'd stutter and look down a lot, sometimes blushing in embarrassment
↪ When she's lying, she'd send a death glare to the person right in the eyes and her tone would get higher a bit.

fears ——  
+ Arachnophobia :: She hates spiders as much as her brother hates people sleeping on his bed. This is not just fear, this is phobia. She would freeze whenever she sees a spider. Her heartbeat would double and blood would rush into her face. If the spider is not removed soon, she will faint.
+ Biuality :: She has a thing for biuality even though there are K-Pop ships around the world. She won't read or yuri.
+ Losing :: As said in the personality, she is very perfectionist and won't bear it when she loses to competitions.

trivia ——  
↪ Has a pet peeve of lisps. She'd shudder every time she hears one. (a/n: imagine her being around sehun ㅋㅋㅋ)
↪ She dislikes aegyo and never falls for it, except when it comes from Luhan or Taemin
↪ Favorite food: Bulgogi, ramyun, noodles
↪ Her lucky charm/gem: Pink diamonds
↪ Favorite color: silver
↪ Her ideal type is someone who's tall, handsome, has a leader personality, but at the same time cute and innocent
↪ She growls when it comes to one-on-one fights
↪ Has a very flexible body
↪ Her mother's blood type is O, while her father's was B, which sorta explains why she has different blood type from her brother.
↪ Wishes she would have bloodbending powers so she could bloodbend every person involved in a fight so they would stop fighting at once (explained in personality, she hates fights/war)
↪ Hates the color pink, but likes only one shade of it (#F4C6D1)
↪ Dances hip-hop, cobu (drum-dancing), jazz, popping, locking, and ballet

background ——  
She was born in Washington, separated from her brother since birth for her parents having a special occasion there, leaving her brother to live with his aunt and uncle. She uses Chinese to talk with her family, but then learns of English as she studies in school. Her father decided to travel back to China when she was 4, when she started to have interest in both dance and combat. She stayed with her mother, taking dance lessons in the age of 5 (ballet at 5; jazz at 7; hip-hop, pop, and lock at 10; and finally cobu at 15). Combat training started when she learnt Tai Chi and Wushu at the age of 9, pursued by archery in the age of 13. Her mother and friends were amazed on how she could juggle all her lessons at a young age.

As she continued to grow as a teenager, she started to wonder about her brother. How he looked like, how old he was, and his whereabouts. She graduated and moved to South Korea to train more for her dancing skills. At the age of 18, she met 5 friends from all over the world (a Chinese hip-hop dancer, a Japanese tomboy cobu dancer, a Russiam jazz dancer, her American best friend, and a Korean street-dancer) who had the same passion of dancing. They applied for a street dance club named "Ignis" ("fire" in Latin). She also addressed herself as Nicole Choi, with the stage name "Odile". When it was time for her to
audition, her team and her did well until she encountered a challenger: her long-lost brother, Luhan. They recognized each other's eyes by the same twinkle they had (3:40 in the video). "Xiao Mei?" he blurted out, but she furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head in disagreement. After the audition slash battle, her team got accepted and she was encountered once again by her brother. "LinXi!" he called. She wondered how he knew her real name, and that's when he revealed everything. They had a sweet reunion, hugging each other for God-knows-how-long.

It wasn't a month later when they were scouted by the spy agency and recruited them to be spies. They went through severe training and met the other 11 boys and the girls.
occupation ——  Street Dance Club "Ignis" Co-Owner, Leader of Dance Team "Black Swan"
background ——  She was one of the few transfers student from America, with her best friend as proof. None of the dancers in Ignis except Black Swan and her brother knows that she's a spy.
personality —— Wu "Kris" YiFan is actually an innocent, naive boy giant who is addicted over the galaxy. His cold image was long forgotten by both his teammates and the agency spies. But even so, he still acts cool and accepts the reality. He has been known the Galaxy kid ever since. 
relationship ——  They are actually awkward at first, but she gets annoyed by the time she realized that he is actually a bit careless which is the opposite of her perfectionist personality. She would explain all the details of combat and archery to him. They also tease each other using their pet-names ("Galaxy" and "Tigress"). He would sometimes sneak into her dance room where she always eventually find out about him sneaking. She wonders if he is a stalker at times. Though, Luhan disapproves of this "relationship" as he is afraid of losing his only sister again. Hence, he becomes overprotective to Lin and always drags her away from Kris if they aren't in a mission. Lin sometimes think of this as a forbidden love.
oh, she's got me ——  She was practicing archery at the shooting range, alone. She tried to shoot 3 consecutive shots, but missed the last one when the door suddenly creaked open. A tall dark-haired man entered the room with his own bow and quiver of arrows. "Oh, I'm sorry. Do you... need the room?" she asked. He shook his head and bowed his head before leaving the room. They met several times like that until she grew tired of it and asked if they could share the room and practice together. He agreed and they finally introduced themselves.
alias ——  Kevin ; 24 ; Part-time basketball coach at Seoul National High School
personality —— He is the type of those mysterious guys. He may seem to have that cold tough look, that piercing stare and his intimidating-like look. But overall, he is a soft, warm-hearted guy. He doesn't talk much, yet he can be as protective to his closest friends. He has a manly personality and was like a father to his friends. He often answers short and straight-to-the-point answers whenever the other ask him questions. 
comments ——   YAY!!! ANOTHER SPY APPLYFIC!!! Actually about Kris and the archery stuff, I took it from the ISAC 2013 where Kris applies in archery. And, yeah. Her brother is LUHAN. Actually, I have another applyfic that's about spies, so I just thought I could apply to this one. are you looking for a co-author? /slapped/
scene requests ——  
:: Kris
and Lin hiding from Luhan and the only place to hide is the janitor room. In the tight room, their lips slightly brush against each other, which made them blush.
:: Once of the culprits visiting the Dance Club
:: Kris and Lin's real first kiss, oblivious that Luhan was watching from afar.
:: Kris and Lin almost failing a mission where Lin gets injured after Kris accidentally missed a shot. Luhan explodes at him in the HQ, almost slapping Kris if it wasn't for the other girls who stopped him (especially Luhan's partner)
suggestions ——  the girls training one-on-one with each other, then all of the girls vs. EXO
till death do us part ——  no. i don't really have a liking to deaths, so... please don't.
ending? ——  Happy ending. The 12 guys and the girls defeated the culprit. Luhan finally accepts their partnership-relationship. The spies having an after party.


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