A L E K T R O ' s┊Aye Min Kyaing


Aye Min Kyaing // Aye 애 // Loyal Royalty



Faceclaim: hyperlink to a gallery juseyo. Kim Yeo Bin
Name: Aye Min Kyaing
Gender: F
Nicknames: Baldy (Gedong) - When she was young, her parents shaved her hair multiple times because it was a dark blonde colour. It's a childhood nickname exclusively for her family only // Dumpling (Baozi) - She had round cheeks, like a dumpling, when she was young. Her childhood neighbours all called her this //
Nationality: Burmese
Birthplace: Mandalay, Myanmar
Hometown: Mandalay / Singapore
Height: 163 cm
Weight: 42 kg 
Blood type: O+
Age + Birthday: 14 yrs old + 08 September 2000
Position: Lead Vocalist, Face of the group
Back-up Position: Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer

Dancing Twin: f(x) Luna
Talking Twin: 2NE1 Sandara
Singing Twin: f(x) Krystal
Rapping Twin: -



Background & History: Aye was born unexpectedly when her parents were considering a divorce. Her father had lost his job and didn't want her mother to work either so the family had been relying on their grandparent's money then. She calls herself lucky for being born before she was aborted. Her father gained a job overseas some months after her birth and left for Singapore before her first birthday. Then when she was 3, her mother followed her father and she was left in the hands of her maternal grandparents with her 2 elder sisters. They lived in a 2 storey house with their eldest uncle, his wife and their 2 daughters who were around the same age as her 2 elder sisters. The 2 pair of sisters were always very close and sometimes unintentionally left Aye out of their play or conversation as she was 'too young' to do the things they did. That being said, the 4 of them cherished her and she was taken care of by them whenever the adults were away. There was a time where they put make up on her and took pictures when the adults were away. They had put her in heels and she had tripped, resulting in a bloody nose. They were reprimanded real bad for that. 3 years later, at the age of 6, she, along with her sisters, joined their parents in Singapore. At first, everyone was strange and she was very confused but as she continue to live there, she came to feel more at home. Luckily, she didn't suffer from any acts of bullying... well, they tried verbally but she didn't understand back then so they stopped. As Aye grew, she learnt about the internet and animes and kpop. The first time she encountered it was at age 7. It was DBSK and she thought they were Japanese at first. It wasn't until she was 9 years old when she learnt they were a Kpop group from Korea. It wasn't until 5th grade, when her friend introduced her to SHINee, that she thought of becoming an Idol in Korea. She watched all the variety and reality shows and the music broadcasts and thought "Oh I want to be able to do all that too". It was then that she started training by herself.

Personality: Aye, as her name suggests, looks like a cool and calm person. She can control her temper well and doesn't usually get angry or annoyed. Want to know her secret? Well, if you don't want to be the one getting annoyed, be the annoying one instead! This girl has a way of getting on people's nerves. It is not that she annoys people by being 'bad' its just that she makes people worry and fret over her without her even realising. Thus resulting in others getting irritated when they think she's not grateful. She is may not be stubborn but she's really resilient and persistent. If she sets her mind on something, she won't rest until it is fulfilled. Although she's an open minded person, if you get on her bad side, it isn't easy to redeem yourself. However, she's actually quite slow and dumb so it'll be hard for one to get on her bad side because she probably won't get the hidden meaning behind sarcastic remarks or hear the backstabbing murmurs behind her back. On the other hand, if you're on her good side, there's a very low possibility of getting any hate on her. You can even insult her openly and she'll think you're trying to crack a joke. Talking about jokes, she's really a reaction queen. Even if the joke is so lame that no one is laughing, she'll still laugh. Her reason being that it's only polite to laugh when a joke is made. She also laughs at her own jokes (and 'influence' everyone to laugh with her). However, her clumsy acts of dropping really light things and tripping on her own foot gains more laughter. She's also bad with expressing herself and can't seem to say 'no' sometimes. All in all, she's good to be friends with but is quite tiring to be a protector of. She's the type that "ignores good and approaches bad" as her loyal friends tend to say.

Trainee life and training period: Aye joined YG in 2012 at the age of 12 and trained for 3 years. She got in through a post audition and flew over by herself just because of it. Since she had to get used to her new school as well, the first year wasn't the best. She had no time to worry about friends, both in school and in the company, because she had to run around to make sure her transfer to the school goes smoothly while training so as to not lag behind the other trainees. Heck- She didn't even realised that she was getting bullied with all the insults, mainly because of her 'weird' nationality, that she ignored. In the second year, things get a little more relaxed. She was able to adjust her timetable so that she doesn't fail in school and is still on par with most other trainees. However, that was when the Kpop Star #1 and #2 winners joined YG. Being the most 'clean' (did not bully and did not get bullied) trainee, she was tasked to be their 'guide'. She treated it like a predebut job and enjoyed introducing them to YG. Nothing in particular happened during her third year. She maintained a bond with the Kpop Star winners and no trainee dared insult her because she was always with them and they were always getting flattered by the other trainees who thought their debut would come faster if they stick with talented people. Later during her third year, around Christmas, she was called up and told that she might be joining a coed group. She had been elated and almost told everyone but, no, it was only a maybe and wasn't confirmed yet so she kept it to herself and worked harder instead. Oh yes, her Korean also improved tremendously along with her dance and voical abilities although her rapping is still impossibly terrible.

Style: T R O !


▪Bright colours, they show how confident you are ▪Summer Rain, the smell alone is just refreshing ▪Sweet things like Pancakes ▪Winter, it's a nice time to sweat ▪Books, the smell is heavenly ▪Drums, it helps to let go of all the negative energy ▪


▪Summer; "I can't train at my maximum rate" ▪Bees, it's just scary to think of the stinger they have ▪Spicy food, it's just not to her liking 


▪Reading, usually fantasy and adventure novels ▪Writing, either letters or stories ▪Singing, it's just so convenient ▪Painting, it helps with expression ▪Acting, it's amazing to be able to be so many people ▪Watching anime 


▪Squeezes her right hand with her left when nervous ▪Uses a mix of formal and informal language ▪Picking at her fingers when idle, it's a habit she wants to fix 

▪She's a hopeless cook ▪Wants to try Archery ▪The drums were self-taught ▪Really wasn't expected to become a trainee, much less an idol, in her middle school days ▪Prefers cats over dogs 
▪Distant relative of Super Junior's Hechul and SHINee's Taemin... DISTANT ▪Offers really good advice... but only after thinking for very long ▪Knows Fluent English (taught in school), Conversational Burmese (taught by family), Korean (self taught+taught at YG), Basic Chinese (taught in grade 1 and 2), Japanese (self taught via anime) ▪Wants to appear in Roommate ▪Is secretly a fangirl ▪Wants to set up a 2000 line team ▪


| Father // Kyaw Min Kyaing // Computer Engineer // age // Aye didn't spend much time with him when she was young so he tries to shower her with affection but it gets rejected... |

| Mother // Aung Suu Aye Htet // Housewife // age // She's really strict. Sometimes Aye gets tired of it and 'rebels' against her but most other times, they get along fine.  |

| Elder sister // Suu Min Kyaing // Student // 20 // They're much like Cat and Dog. There are times when they get along but the fights between siblings occur mostly between them and it's never definite who's going to 'win'. |

| Elder sister // Htet Suu Kyaing // Student // 17 // Htet is the most coolest of the siblings but will report everything to their eldest sister so they don't talk that much |

Idol Friendship: same format as family.

 | Dance Partners // Bang Ye Dam // Trainee // 12 // After being his guide, Aye developed a friendship with Yedam. Since Yedam had no true friends when he first came, he turned to Aye to ease his loneliness during his free time. The two usually spend their time dancing together and thus they became dance partners |

| Classmates // Victor Lim // Student // 14 // They have been in the same class for 3 years. At first, they were simply classmates but since Aye has such a 'blind' side, Victor has picked up the frustrating role of being her 'protector' |

| Vocal Training Buddy // Lee Ha Yi // Idol // 17 // They joined in the same year and was paired up for their vocal class. They had to perform together a few times for pair evaluations. Now, they don't have much time to practice together because of Lee Hi's schedules but Hayi always make sure to provide Aye with tips to improve her voice and debut soon. |

| Acting Partner // Kal So Won // Actress // 7 // Aye wanted to try acting too so she went up to Yang Hyun Suk-Nim to ask if she could take acting classes as well. To test Aye's talent and potential, Yang Hyun Suk asked her to pair up with Kal So Won and act a skit for her next monthly solo evaluation in addition to the performance she had to do. She agreed and got to work ASAP. They acted well and Aye was provided with acting classes. So Won still comes to Aye when she needs a partner to act with or an audience to act for before the real filmings. |

Social Media: Public Instagram @ayemin.k // Private Line @ayayline // Private Kakao @ayaykakao 

Comments: I totally rushed... I hope this all kinda sum up... Oh and the reason for her Persona is that she's Loyal but gets protected like Royalty.

Scene Requests: 

▪Hidden camera! ▪Haunted house~ ▪Having the cameras visit each member in their respective schools ▪Acting 'Test' ▪Music 'exam' ▪MT!!! ▪Getting to know a family member or close friend of each member ▪A real argument breaks out between two 'main' members ▪Meeting with seniors and other groups... ▪

thanks for applying~ 




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sorry for rushing you or anything, it's because school here starts in a few days. ^^" anyways, I'll surely consider the... scene requests. thanks for applying anyways! ^^