► Reach Up | 'Mikasa Akiyama'

Mikasa Akiyama
applicant. seaofblue
active rate. 10
nickname. Yuki (It's my Japanese name~)

plotline. #7 - The Hardworker
full name. Mikasa Akiyama
Mika (shortened version of her name), she's called this by her family, but doesn't like this name.
Yam-Yam (comes from her surname), called this by her close friends to , but she actually likes being called this.
birthdate. 14.07.1996
birth place. Tokyo, Japan
ethnicity. Japanese/Korean
Fluent Japanese (her mother tongue)
Conversational English (she took English language lessons in middle school)
Her Korean is good, but limited. ( she started learning it once she decided to move to Korea to apply to hwan arts school)
face claim: Naeun - Apink
backup face claim: Krystal - F(x)
being outside
being complimented
achieving things
Learning & practicing
loud, attention seeking people
having to abide by unnecessary rules
character history


Mikasa Akiyama was Born in Tokyo, Japan. She grew up in a small apartment, living with her parents and her younger sister Mikiyumi. She has always been very close with her family, and their approval has always been very important to her. She has always been careful not to do anything that would go strongly against their wishes. That's why it's so important to her that she can do well in this school and train hard so that she can become a successful Idol one day. Her parents aren't exactly against her pursuing this path in life, as they will always support her no matter what, but they still worry that it's a hard life and there are better things their daughter could do with hers.

She was bullied in elementary school, not physically, but was often called names and excluded. She likes to think this hasn't affected her too much, but deep down she knows it has affected her confidence quite a bit, lead to the stage fright she suffers from. She will go on stage, but she always starts to tremble and her mind goes completely blank, meaning she doesn't always preform at her best in front of others.

Growing up, Mikasa was never blessed with natural talents, and had to work for anything she managed to achieve. She wasn't particularly bad at anything (unless you count math... but to her that's not even a subject worth counting). However, even in the things that she considered to be her strong points, there was always just someone... better.

character personality


Mikasa is a fairly cheerful girl, and likes to think she stays optimistic most of the time, but when you're "not good at anything" that can be a lot easier said than done. Therefore, in reality, she can often be a little bit negative. She tries to work hard in everything she does, but loses faith in herself very easily, especially when she's surrounded by really talented people. She tends to see the good in most people, and absolutely hates to talk about other people behind their back unless it's 99% positive. She takes criticism quite badly as she gets offended quite easily. Her sensitivity can make her an easy target sometimes, as she will take everything you say to her personally.

Mikasa is the kind of girl who wants to please everybody, and would absolutely hate the idea of offending or upsetting someone. She hates fighting or arguing, and will avoid conflict at all costs. This often causing her to bury any negative emotions deep inside and never let them out, in fear of offending someone and starting a fight.

She has a great sense of humor, and loves to laugh. She is extremely loyal and forgiving (maybe too much so), but as stubborn as a mule... although she's too stubborn to admit it. She is very strong minded and hates to have other peoples opinions shoved down , which is why she hates to abide by unnecessary rules. Even though she might hate the rule with all her guts, she would still abide by it though, because she is a complete goody-two-shoes and hates the thought of getting into it. Mikasa is a daydreamer and loves solitude, so that she can draw, sing, dance, read, listen to music, or just plain think.

-Playing the piano
-Reading & writing
-Coughing when she's nervous
-Allowing her mind to go blank when she's on stage
-Stressing over details that don't really matter
TALENT/S: Dancing
DANCING TWIN: Sohyun - 4Minute
      back up: Yuri - Girls Generation
ACTING TWIN:  Seohyun - Girls Generation
       back up: Naeun - Apink
-She has a pet rabbit named Toki (which means rabbit in Korean)
-she hates puns, but can't help but laugh at them
-she absolutely loves listing to music, and her day isn't complete unless she does
-she has applied to loads of different companies like SM, YG, JYP ect. bus hasn't gotten in.
-she hates fake compliments
-Her favorite color is baby pink
-Her favorite type of shoes are colorful converse sneakers
-In middle school, a talent competition was held every year. She auditioned every year, each time with a different talent, but was never accepted. However she still attended each show to support her friends, and each was only more determined to get in.
love interest
love interest. Kai ( Kim Jongin )
age. 19 (14.01.1995)
relationship. Very good friends...
picture links:

PERSONALITY. Kai is the kind of guy who has a permanent smile on his face, and despite his fierce and y stage persona, he's quite shy and approachable in reality. He grew up in a middle class family, and has been training ever since he was a small child. Although he is one of the best dancers, he makes sure to always work extremely hard and give 110% to every practice session and performance. He's always happy to help, especially if it involves anything to do with his group of friends (referred to as EXO by many), or Mikasa. He's he kind of guy who would do anything for someone he cares about, and is loyal to the end. However, he tends to get jealous very easily, and can be a tad over protective and possessive at times.

MEETING. If there's one thing that Miaksa and Kai have in common, it's their hard-working nature. Mikasa spends a huge amount of time training and practicing her singing and dancing even after her lessons are over, as does Kai. Kai had been secretly cutting his own practice short by about ten minutes or so, so that her could go and watch Miakasa practice. He admired how hard she worked, even if she wasn't the best. Eventually, he worked up the courage to bring her a bottle of water at the end of practice. Miakasa made him dance for her, which he agreed to (as long as she danced with him). Now it was Mikasa's turn to be awed, she was amazed by Kai level of sheer talent, and they have been practicing together ever since. Mikasa knows Kai has a crush on her (he's made it fairly obvious), and she has a bit of a crush on him too. However, she chooses too ignore it as she promised her parents that she would focus and give 100% of her attention to her training so that they would allow her to audition of the school.

-Kai loves to call her "His yam-Yam"
-Kai helping her hone her dance skills
-Kai tutoring her in Korean

COMMENTS: I can't wait to read this story!! I really hope you'll welcome Mikasa to Hwan Arts School!!! Thanks You!

-(all my 'interactions' listed above are just suggestions)
-Maybe some sort of assignment that the students have to do in pairs?
-Oooohh, they could do some sort of showcase of or talent competition or something!

PASSWORD: Seoul. I got into k-pop when I started watching this show called 'sbs pop-asia' 

layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes



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