Facts About Me!

Well, I’m currently sick and decided that to cure me from a bit of boredom, I may as well let all of my new friends on here know some things about me!

- I have a habit of putting ‘xD’ faces everywhere when I’m not actually posting proper writing, like when I’m texting people, replying to comments, messaging, or on twitter. I picked it up from my friend and I pretty much use it like a full stop. I also use ‘hahahahahaha’ a lot so I’m trying to hold myself back from using it now already…

- I only drink water or chocolate drinks, mostly because I hate flavoured drinks like juice and fizzy drinks, I don’t really like artificial tastes and I just don’t know why I dislike it so much but if anyone asks what I want to drink, I always say water because yeah, don’t really fancy drinking anything else.

- I don’t like lollies! Except for pink jellybeans, and strawberry fruitbursts, and chocolate (though I don’t count that as a lolly).

- I can literally just live off of chicken and fried rice, I love it so much.

- I love to eat, and I really should exercise but I’m too lazy (I’m not fat yet, probably because I have to walk so much around school to get to my classes on time).

- I am the leader of club Asia at my high school, we watch K-Pop music videos and Anime a lot.

- I am in my last year of high school and am almost eighteen years old.

- My birthday is the 17th of July, the day before eunhae’s anniversary. ♥

- I am one of those people who always try to use proper grammar, and I absolutely despise typos. So if any of you want me to look over your stuff before you post a chapter, I would definitely fix any mistakes because when I read I have a habit of correcting everything in my mind.

- I probably use more commas than I should, I tend to go a bit crazy with my commas because I just don’t know…

- I like to think that I’m getting quite good at writing, so I’m really glad that I have so many amazing readers now.

- I’m going to enter a writing contest, not with fanfiction but with something else I’m planning to write (I’ll turn it into eunhae and post it on here once the contest is finished).

- I’m going to study at university for four years starting next year, and I’m going to get a bachelor of Management Studies, majoring in Accounting and Creative Writing.

- I have basically planned out my whole life, I’m going to move to South Korea once I have my university degree and I’m going to get lots of money from being an accountant so that I can live comfortably while I pursue my dream of being an author when I’m not at work.

- I’m currently single, I’ve only had one boyfriend and that’s about the extent of my love-life.

- I’m on AFF basically over thirty times a day. I am on every single time I can be because I’m just addicted.

- I’ve read just about every single completed M rated eunhae fanfic on AFF, and am in desperate need for more but people don’t write as much anymore so I have mental breakdowns all the time inside my head.

- I write because I don’t think it’s fair on you all to have a tiny amount of new eunhae fics, I try to update regularly so that you aren’t waiting too long, it makes me feel guilty when I leave it for a while.

- I come up with so many fic ideas and I have no time to write all of them so I just cry inside because I want to write them but I can’t because of school.

- I went to South Korea last year in December with my best friends for five weeks and we stayed with one of my other best friends and her family (she’s an exchange student so her family lives in SK) and we had a lot of fun.

- We went to day one of Super Junior’s Treasure Island concert for SM Town Week while we were there and it was perfect.

- I went to Hyukjae’s Tous Les Jours and spilt my hot chocolate accidentally and it was full which made everything worse. Thank goodness he wasn’t there or I would have probably died of embarrassment, and his Aunty was really nice and cleaned it up for me, she’s a darling and his cousin is really pretty!

- I get really depressed at times when I’m left alone, like if I’m just daydreaming I can often just float into random depression and think about everything that has gone wrong for me in the past day or so.

- I regret things often, mostly because I seem to dwell on the past and I tell myself to forget but I just can’t. -__-

- I absolutely love hugs and any form of affection, I’m just very fond of showing my love for others but my friends don’t like hugs so I just die inwardly and hug my mum instead.

- I was born in New Zealand and so were my parents, but I’m 7/16 Dutch, 7/16 English, 1/16 French, 1/16 Native American Indian.

- I’m a bit of an overachiever at school, which is probably why writing fiction is my most favourite hobby.

- I’m currently watching season five of The Vampire Diaries and at episode four, I’m already dead…

- I have two pet cats, and that’s all.

- I used to have so many pets (chickens, guinea pigs, rabbits, axolotls, and a Pukeko called Charlie) but they either passed away or we gave them to people we know because I don’t have time to clean their pens or spend time with them (chickens, guinea pig).

- I live on a farm yet we don’t have any farm animals and so we lease our farm to my uncle who is a farmer.

- My parents run a fireworks company which is why we live on a farm, we aren’t allowed to have our company in the middle of town.

- I lived in the city until I was just over one year old, then I moved out to the country.

- I go into the city every day for school so I go on the bus for forty minutes in the morning and then after school.

- I’m currently still on my learners driver’s license, but I’m going to get my restricted before I start university so that I can drive there by myself.

- This year is my third year on AFF.

- Super Junior has been my bias group since they released y, Free & Single.

- I used to be a Kissme.

- I’ve always shipped eunhae, even before SJ was my bias group.

- I am the master of procrastination.

- I love you all.

So I’m ending this here because it’s already over 1000 words and I don’t want to bore you guys any further, hope you had fun learning about me! ♥


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haeyth #1
I agree with u. theres not many eunhae fanfic anymore. its kind of boring and make me feel like leaving aff
haeyth #2
I agree with u. theres not many eunhae fanfic anymore. its kind of boring and make me feel like leaving aff
my friends call me a grammar nazi so i understand, they're always wary when they speak to me because i tend to correct them most of the time lmaoo
Hi ^^ I'm not a new reader heheheh but tall reading this was fun I didn't know a lot of things about you.
Like I'm the same I do XD in almost everything too same with laughing well Hehehhe
I like chocolate too actually I love it, not so much candy tho.. But I agree jellybeans are good :)
& fried rice too !! I even had my mom show me how to cool it so when ever I wanna eat XD I love to eat a lot too but I also try to watch what I eat ..I like dancing so that helps me.

Wow your a club leader !! :O I never joined those kinda things I was homeschooled :/
What anime shows are you into :)
Lucky your b-day is close to EunHae's days !! :3 I as a shipper would feel so blessed to have my b-day that close or even the same day ^\\\^
I'm the worst at writing ..I make tons of typos :/ so sorry if you find any in this comment or in any comments I leave in your stories ...

I love love love your stories !!! I do believe your writing gets better with each story I read I was looking at your list the other day & I realize I haven't read a few of your earlier stuff I think one or two anyway I started reading one last night & I can see a big difference in your stlye before & now :)
It was still good but it has gotten better now :D

I can't wait to know the plot to your new story for the writing contest !!
Good luck I hope you win !!!

Wow movin to South Korea *O* your life plan is perfect !! I like your life plan for life ^^ you'll get to see the boys more too ~luckyyyy

Don't know much about boyfriends .. I had a few but not any more & I don't want any plus I hear from friends I'm not missing much XD
It's sad tho cause I'm 26 & my family wants me to have a family ... I'm happy with my elf life tho & shipping eunhae <3

All you've read all the M rated fics of eunhae ;D hahaha I wish I have !! Any good ones you recommend ??

I have to say I agree we don't have many eunhae fics these days :( so I thank you so much for writing each & everyone of your amazing stories !! <3
glad to know you better ^^ as for me im an almost-21-year-old medical student that is soooo ing done with her studies bc it >_< i've never been to south korea and I never will in the next 5 years or so oh and i've been single for my entire 20 years of existence kkk and apart from that there's nothing interesting enough to be mentioned lol