My thoughts on the lawsuit

Guys. Stop fighting! I can't take it anymore. Didn't we start by supporting the same thing? EXO! Please, I'm sick and tired of seeing arguments on my TL. Shouldn't we live by the slogan that our gheis live by? WE ARE ONE. So stop dividing yourselves into 28363847 other parts. So far we've only heard stories from one side of the lawsuit. Kris has yet to say anything. I'm not saying he is right, and I'm not saying he is wrong either. But please, even judges in a courtroom hears both sides of the argument before making a verdict. So why are we, mere observers of this lawsuit so quick to judge? Lets just support our boys in their time of glory and wait this out. No more arguing. I started liking EXO when it had 12 members. And I'm not gonna throw anyone under the bus because of one issue. OT12, OT11 even OT1. I still support each and every member of EXO. @kpopmaleidols


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ugh, i know. why do people take sides, really?
I agree with you. There's too much ion. Respect Kris choice. He's our favorite idol so act like a fans. Not a woman who already married with him. You guys are terrible. You say that "We Believe In You Kris" but I don't feel like you are. You guys are in fanatic fans -_-