
I can't sleep and I decided I'd talk to myself or anyone in general, because that's what I do when I'm bored. Actually-- I usually talk to Zuko (my cat B|) but the little isn't allowed in my room because he keeps attacking my grad gown. Ew, graduation on Friday. Much fun, but not really. Dry grad after, but not going because my twin and I are unsociable douches that don't like our grad class.

Bringing that up, do you ever feel like throwing a dictionary at someone's head (perferably face)? Not because their grammar is terrible, but because dictionaries ing hurt. I mean, some people can be so annoyingly and frustratingly stupid. Not intellgience-wise, but as in common sense. I've been falling into a slump again for the past few days and lately I've just wanted to throw hard books at people. They're so irritating and dumb. e n e I have many, many, many examples, but my twin irked me today. I was late to grad practice because my twin didn't go to school, decided to shower late which made my mother late picking me up from, which in turn made me late for rehersal and I swear if I trip crossing the stage I'm going to be a grumpy muffin and suffocate everyone with cats. But books thrown at everyone-- but I can't because I'm nice...not really.

On another note, I've been watching more Let's Players again and I finally got up to catching up on The Walking Dead game and HOLY IT'S INTENSE. My feels, oh god my poor feels. Kenny and Luke and Nick and of course Clemy-Cloo are just perfect characters. Sarah's bloody annoying and gots to go. I'm sorry, girl, but a weak-hearted child doesn't belong in an apocalyptic world. Bec(?) annoys me too. She reminds me of Lori from the TV series. Maybe it's just the pregnancy bit but she needs to go. I like the new girl, with short hair. She reminds me of Molly whom I hope returns. Kenny, Luke, Nick, and Clem will forever be my favourites and I will sob like a little if any of them die. My jimmies are rustled and my feels are pouring out. I'm done rambling and will try to sleep. Sleep come grace me please.


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Awww congratulations Storm, you'll look great for graduation :) I love your cat's name so cuteeee. Can I pet him? hehehe