Update on Storm

First, I'll apologize to those who continue to read AWC. I'm really behind on updating that but a lot of stuff happened around February and March-ish. I had a lot of stuff to focus on and updating my fanfic was not something I was too concerned about. However, I finished university about a month ago and I go back in September so I have a few months to update and stuff. Right now, I'm just not in the mood for it. I don't have any inspiriation and for the most part I don't have any energy. 

I don't have energy because a little over a month ago I was diagnosed with anemia. For those who don't know what anemia is I was diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. Basically, I don't have enough iron in my body to produce enough hemoglobin which is a substance that helps carry oxygen. My body is lacking healthy red blood cells and red blood cells are needed to carry oxygen to the body's tissues and whatever. The most annoying thing it does to me is make me extremely tired. I'm on iron pills and stuff it just takes a long time to correct. It's nothing serious. In my mind, anyway. As a result, I just have absolutely no motivation  to do anything. I just want to sleep 19 hours a day which is pretty much all I do.

Moving on, I have rid my life of all those who are toxic to me. No more talkers, no more users, no more people like that. I was tired of being used and played. I'm a friendly person and I love people. I say that to every person I talk to in roleplays. I do love people and I guess I just thought that everyone had good in them. I still think that, but I also needed to realize that not everyone deserves a second chance or, in my case, a fiftieth chance. I had so much hope in people that I was constantly letting those who were just terribly mannered have free range with my emotions and myself. Last year was my lowest point. I continued to take mental abuse from someone I care about. I was beaten down to the point that I didn't think I was worth much. I was never good enough for them. That's how I felt and I didn't feel good enough for anyone. They left and it was pretty much an eye-opener. I struggled between continuing that whole everyone-is-good-everyone-is-nice bit to the old, cruel, and mean Storm I was a few years ago. I bounced back from those two sides. I was rude to my boyfriend - who I've been with since November - and I just wasn't all that nice to "annoying" people. That was only a few months ago, really. But now I can proudly say that I've settled in the middle. I'm not an but I'm not an overly nice person. I've become patient but I also know when to step up to the plate and take matters into my own hand and to just be like, "Hey. I understand you're upset but being a douche to me or anyone else isn't going to solve things."

Mm, what else? I've been roleplaying a lot. I started dating someone in a roleplay I never ever thought I would end up dating. We've been friends for a little over a year and dating for 2 months. Mm, I don't know what else about roleplay I could talk about. I started two roleplays and one died. The other is dying but the partner I have it the partner I've known for a year and I don't want to close it because I love our relationship. I think my admin skills are poor right now because I'm so tired.

Other than that nothing is new. I finished my first year of university and it was all right. I passed with all Cs because I'm an underachiever. I look forward to my future because I'm excited for new things. New things are scary, but change has always been scary. 

I'll finish up my episodes of Game of Thrones and Catfish and then sleep for a few hours.


Take care,




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I randonly just clicked on this and I'm glad I did because I just saw your username. I hope you're okay and congratulations for peace outting from university. People are people, they'll come, they'll leave. I've been doing roleplays too, started when you invited me in Shining Star Academy, I thank you for that, and until now. Be healthy, Strom.
# # Dae.
I'm glad to know that you're still here and it's better for you to let go of those people. You don't need them. It's been so long since I've heard from you (and everyone else) so it's nice to read your update. Take it slow with things and I never really knew that about you (being anemic) but sleep is good. It's always good. Congratulations for making it to the end of college!!! I still have quite a while until break but I hope to talk to you soon. I never really got into roleplay but I'm glad that you are enjoying it with someone. Take care too Storm - nganny