A Note on Kris Wu


**Note: There's harsh language in here and sensitive topics. As always, this is solely my opinion on the matter at hand.**

As you have already heard of, EXO's Kris has filed a law suit against SM Entertainment as well as ask them to terminate his contract with the company. The rest of the EXO members were just as shocked to hear the news as we were. Suho even spoke out in a speech on how Kris was being irresponsible. SM has been putting a lot of restrictions on the boys lately because of the 'Kris crisis'. For example, they've had their phones taken away, were forced to unfollow Kris on Instagram and so on. Basically, they are not being allowed to have anything to do with Kris. Now, because of this, many people are doubting whether or not the speech actually came from Suho's mind or if it was written for him to say by the company. A lot of the members are speaking of their unhappiness about what Kris did and are being excessively bashed because of their opinions. Whether you think it is the boys' true opionion or not is not my problem. I have my own thoughts on what is going on but I won't share them here because this is not the place to do so. What I am asking you, no, I'm begging you, to understand is this: all of the members, every single one of those boys worked their off to be where they are today. If someone, out of what seems like nowhere, tries to get up and leave without a word to the others, they have the right to be distraught. I'm not sure if Suho's speech came from his mouth or not. At this point, I don't even care. What I do know is that he is upset. They are all upset. They have the right to this. You, however, no not have any right whatsoever to hate any of the boys, whether it be Kris or any other one. You are just a fan, you do not know the firsthand aggravation they are all feeling right now and you most likely never will. Please, keep your thoughts to yourself on what you think of their opinions. The boys have enough to deal with as it is.

Aside from this, a lot of people on tumblr, instagram, and literally any other social networking website are freaking out. Nothing is even confirmed yet. We don't know if Kris will stay as a member of EXO or not but there are 'goodbye Kris' posts everywhere. SM Entertainment is trying to get him to stay, I believe. I mean, just think about it for a second, okay? EXO is one of the top boy groups in the Korean pop industry. They have only been around for a little over two years and have already amazed the world by breaking records. SM is greedy, they love to make money. Losing Kris would result in the loss of a lot of fans and therefore a loss in a lot of money. If anything, I think Kris is going to stay and thereby forcing the company to change their 'slave contract' into something less harsh and allow the artists to have the basic human rights they are being deprived of right now. The CEO of SM is even being sent death threats. No matter how upset you are, you never threaten to kill someone. Ever. To add onto the subject of rumors being confirmed, do not spread a rumor if it has not been confirmed. We don't know if Baekhyun was slapped, we don't know if Suho's speech was written for him or not, we don't know if any of the other several dozens of rumors going around are true, we don't really know anything at this point. But you know, sometimes it's better to not know things.

What I am trying to get at here is not being a about this. I know I am speaking harshly on the matter but honestly, there is no other way I could do it. This is not a subject to be taken lightly for me because I am an EXOstan and have been ever since they debuted. Anyway, the boys, all twelve of them, need us right now. Bashing Kris on his choice, the members on their opionions or even the company is not the solution to this problem. It will go away eventually but until then, we must support our boys and our EXOtic family.



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omfg so many typos... anyways sorry for the rant, it's just that i'm so pissed of about our "fandom"
I totally agree with you, there too many unconfirmed rumors going around that people stupidly believe in that ugh

also, as you said, we don't know what's really happening, and i don't understand why people keep saying that we have to "take a side".. no we don't! we are just fans, we shouldn't interfere in exo's life decisions. if kris really leaves, then all we can do, that we should do, is keep supporting exo as 11, but also don't forget kris either; there is no need to insult one party or the other, it's not written anywhere that we have to choose between who stays and who leaves; we can love both
I totally agree with you on this one. Thank you for posting this and the links was very helpful for me(I needed to sort my mind out off all these rumors, oh gosh!).