Exo Scandal + Kris leaving EXO-M

So I just looked into the EXO scandal situation and Kris' talk about leaving and I honestly think that it's bull. I mean for the scandal those photos could've been photoshopped since I've seen some pretty sketchy Taoris pics out there before. 


As to Kris leaving EXO, apparently it's been confirmed by the officials that Kris did go to the courthouse asking if he could terminate his contract with EXO. Which I thought is fair in his view after looking some more info up related to the topic. I do agree with Kris wanting to having basic human rights and wanting to get out of his 'slave contract' and this isn't the first time SM ENT has been filed for a lawsuit. Apparently Hangeng from SuperJunior also filed a lawsuit as well as YG ENT about this slave contract and SM also has a past of not fairly distubuting the money since even though Kris is the leader of one of the most successful K-Pop groups out there he apparently has financial problems. 


So as to this issue I say that Kris is leaving SM ENT NOT EXO so I hope that authors wont take Kris out of their storis since in the heart he is and always will be a member of EXO. 


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