Kris's Lawsuit

I'm guessing you've all heard of what's going on with Kris and EXO... history is repeating itself in the worst way possible.

There are so many things I want to say, but I am confused as is... Kris has heart problems? God damn. I didn't think it was that serious.

I remember I saw it on Tumblr first and thought of it as a lie. Like, Kris leaving EXO at the peak of their career? Impossible. Lies. Little did I know, it wasn't one... 

Needless to say, none of us want him to leave. I sound selfish for saying that, too, but don't get me wrong. I want him to be happy and healthy. It's his life. Nobody should be able to control him. I have supported him ever since debut and I will always love and support him as much as I always did and do. 

I would like SM to change his contract, but seeing how that didn't work out with DBSK and Super Junior, I'm guessing SM isn't that lenient. But let's not lose hope!

And goodness gracious, I've been so emotional lately because of this. I was on tumblr and I saw all these posts about Kris and started crying. Just thinking about how everyone has to smile even though they're hurting makes me cry. I can't watch any kpop right now, as it just makes me feel worse. Even MUSIC, which I can't live a day without, doesn't make me feel any better. That's how serious it is... and trust me, I am not usually an emoional person to begin with. I never knew how much EXO had an impact on me until now...

Oh, and I saw this and thought I would share it with you all: On Tuesday, May 20th, EXO fans have created this thing to support EXO and Kris. Write "Galaxy FanFan" on your left wrist and "6 + 6 = 1" on your right. See someone with the same thing? Share a fandom hug, a knowing look, or even talk to them. 

Until anything is confirmed, I wish everyone happiness: the fans, the company, EXO, and Kris <3

Let's Love <3

EXO, I love you! We are One! (and always will be). <3


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