Here's the Thing....

Now that I'm past the confusion and surprise of waking up to see the exo fandom in absolute turmoil, I can honestly say I am 100% behind Kris. Soompi just posted this article a few minutes ago: 

I'll let you guys read it for yourselves and draw your own opinions from it, but basically it's the same as the other lawsuits that have been filed against sm by their artists. 

I just hope that Kris is safe, content with his decision, and that the members are only turning their backs on him because sm told them to and not because they actually feel that way. I also hope he considered the members' feelings when he made this decision. Maybe one day they can all be together again and happy.

In the long run, that's all I want for anyone is happiness. 


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Not saying I don't understand Kris and don't respect his decision, but the timing of all of this was pretty ty. And going off of some of the SNS accounts of some of the members (especially Tao's, who I really do think said what he said), none of them really knew anything of what was going on, so it's pretty bad all around. I feel for Kris and I hope he can recover from this, but it still doesn't take away from the fact that it really does seem like he deserted the guys. (I'm not going to say betrayed because I don't think that's the right word, unless he's really looking at this lawsuit as a way to advance his career in a way that being in SM couldn't do, but if it's for health reasons, then he has every right to do what he needs to do. But the timing of all of this is just terrible and I wish that all of this would have came out after their promotional period so that he could handle everything in a lot more peaceful manner.) Now things are going to be a mess because instead of being able to talk about their music, Kris leaving the group will be spoken about instead. The boys are going to feel like and SM is going to be doing everything they can to make it seem like Kris is the enemy when he really isn't, which isn't the best for any of the boys, especially the more sensitive ones. Fans are going to be crazy, some k-fans are already being racist s (some aren't, some are being really supportive as well), while c-fans for the most part are really supportive of Kris' decision over the whole thing, but the fandom is going to be a mess.

I seriously don't know what to feel, except that I hope that everything works out for Kris and that EXO can get over something like this with minimal scars. I know EXO isn't going to end, because they will get past it, but the how deep and how long the scars that are bound to come out of this is what worries me the most.