Kris Leaving EXO

I am literally drowning in tears. I did not want to wake up to this..

Hes leaving regarding to how SM treats him and he wants to end the contract. I am not mad at Kris and never will be. BUT I will be mad at ing SM. 

Without Kris, there is no galaxy. Without Kris, there is no OT12. Without Kris there is no We Are One. Without Kris there is no EXO. 

Kris, I love you to the bottom of my heart. Yeah youre not my bias but I still love you more than anyone else. And no matter what you will always be in my heart, EXO stans heart, and EXO's heart. 

#WeBelieveinYouKris <3 

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I just wish all this rumour stuff will end soon; it's making me confused!
I don't know where my opinions lie, actually... I just want it to be sorted out.

Oh, and what about the new member Zhaoling?? I think it's too early to replace Kris oppa!!!
EXO will always be OT12 in my heart. <3