roommate exo edition

So, I was watching the first episode of roommate today (finally) and it got me wanting to write something like it. I've always liked big brother and this is kinda like it...cept...not. so. Should I do this? It'll be with some exo members (not all 12) and some female idols...but it'll be will be a famous basketball player and suho an actor or something like this idk. If u think I should do it, comment here and tell me which members should do what, and what girls I should throw in too! It'll be called 'Roommate 20' and all the characters will be in their 20's...tho I may make some of the exo members older so it's not a huge clump of early twenties lol. 


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as long as it has TaoRis i m okay with anything ㅋㅋㅋ