Sleep Over at Rizu's: 20 facts about me

Blog Challenge #2!

20 Facts about me....

In theme with all things fangirl/fandom/geeky/otaku/etc., I will write these 20 facts about this side of me!

1. I have loved animation from a young age and it has never gone away. From He-man to Jem to Strawberry Shortcake; Gummy Bears to Rescue Rangers to Lion King; and on to my longest adult obsession - anime! It all truly began with Adult Swim - Cowboy Bebop, Sailor Moon, Dragonball. I love way to many to list here.

2. I attend Sakura-Con every year (since 2005). I buy my tickets about 8 months ahead, book my hotel about 4 months ahead, all the while working on my cosplay. I daydream about the AMV contest all year long and if not drug out by my friends would likely stay in the theater 24 hours/day for the whole weekend.

3. I just got my first tattoo (ripe age of 33) and it was....wait for it.....The Konoha Symbol from Naruto. Yup. That baby's permanent! I have vowed to buy the full crate? of the complete Naruto +Shippuden series when it comes out, regardless of the cost. *gulp*


4. I have a crazy (possibly unhealthy?....nah...) obsession with BL (Boy's Love). Manga, anime, fanfic, art - you name it. I love . Yup. Loooooove it. With romance thrown in, but its not required ;D. My current ship?? Xiuhan from EXO!!!

5. I just discovered Kpop, although due to anime I have been a casual fan of Jpop. When I say discovered Kpop I mean the kind of discovery like the movie A Christmas Story where the kids press their faces up against the glass drooling with giant eyes. My faves for now are SHINee and EXO (M&K).

6. Due to my combined BL/Kpop addiction I ship Xiuhan as if the world might crash if I neglected them. I love EXO soooo much that I recently impulsively flew to LA for KTMF (May 2014). Just for EXO. I made someone at my work make me a Xiumin bias hat with his symbol on it. Oh the I got for that at work.

7. I have hundreds of karaoke songs (jpop, kpop, and anime themes included) on playlists on my youtube account. I perform them at home and record them on my phone, working constantly to be better. I play them back for myself on my way to work everyday. I have a singing background but do not perform anymore. I can sing for hours and hours without realizing how much time has passed. I play them through my PS3 onto my tv and use the remote as a microphone. *blush*

8. I have sincerely un-girly love for these fandoms: Sherlock Holmes, Star Wars, Star Trek (especially TNG), Indiana Jones

9. I have a bookshelves devoted to my favorite author, Terry Brooks (Shannara series is the most well known). They include early volumes I owned as a middle schooler which I ceremoniously covered with strange shreds of material, to imbue them with some sort of mystical significance? IDK. OTL

10. I took an extra day off from work to read the last Harry Potter book. I wanted to be able to read slowly, savor it, without disturbance. No one was allowed in for three days. I basically didn't leave the room. I made up a comfy blanket area on the floor, a la Neverending Story style. 

11. I have an EXO app. They actually make these; a reminder that I'm not alone, lol. It pulls all articles, pictures, posts, and videos pertaining to EXO into one stream so you don't have to waste time searching everywhere. Makes stalking so much easier. HOWEVER! I'm very against the treatment they get in busy places and especially airports. I cringe when I catch a fancam where they are being shoved; their faces are so sad. LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!

12. I'm teaching people at work (not necessarily even my friends) what Kkaeb Song means. See link. I'm spending time looking at their confused faces while I explain with huge smiles and exaggerated hand talk just so I can make an EXO centric inside joke with people. Sad really. Why doesn't anyone I know love Kpop (and EXO) like me?!?!

13. I taught myself how to dance Growl by EXO. And Sorry, Sorry by Super Junior. I don't dance. Its frightening. I'm keeping at it tho lol ;)

14. I play a bit of piano. Really the only thing I know? The theme to Twilight and pieces from my Final Fantasy: Advent Children song book.

15. I can rattle off almost any American animated series theme song between ~1985 and 1999.

16. I'm in the midst of convincing people at work to make a Pharrell "Happy" dance video with me. LOL. What am I doing?.....

17. Cosplay: I'm newer to it. I've done Oofuri, Soul Eater, Free! Iwatobi Swim Club, and Eccentric Family, Skip Beat!, Firefly, Wharehouse 13. I also had a custom hoodie made with the back a picture of Renton from Eureka Seven and the front lines from one of its theme songs: Hikari hanatsu shonen no HAATO. I had the same image painted on my work apron.

18. Oh this one is embarassing....and perhaps tell tale. I interview myself. Like I might pretend to be the famous, genius writer of an amazing anime and then pretend I'm getting interviewed and answer the questions. Out loud. OTL

19. When I was little I wanted to grow up to be Indiana Jones. I went on to get a BA in Anthropology and History. I work in retail. Wouldn't trade it in for the world though. I still watch hours and hours of documentaries.

20. Addicted to Fanfics. Cannot stop. Help please. No nevermind, I like it here. LOL


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