What color should I dye my hair?


My mom's BFF knows this dude who owns a hair salon and I'm planning to dye my hair and have him do my bangs.
Just that ... I'm a hair ; I've never dyed my hair before.
Lily told me that I need to have it bleached first since my natural hair color is black.
[I didn't talk to her or anything, just that when I was still living with her,
I wanted to dye my hair red or blonde and she said that I had to have it bleached then dyed]

I was actually thinking of blonde but I've seen this white Asian girl with blonde hair ...
and she just looked weird so I decided no.
Red ... I thought it was a bit overrated tbh lol

And then I decided this color:

With blonde highlights .... TT_TT Mkay this is hard OTL

[I don't want 'flashy' colors like purple or green coughscottcough]


Also for you non hair s .... how do you even decide?
I've looked up websites and they say that it depends on your skin and eye color.
Well okay:
-- I'm light skinned [I also tan easily]
-- My eyes are dark brown/black [I honestly don't know what color they are OTL]


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Too late to say this but yo I have bleached my hair so many times and I don't recommend it, especially if you are dying like your whole head and not just the bottom half or tips. And btw your hair looks cute ^^ with the bangs and everything. I kinda wanna get that color too ....

I see how everyone is saying "DON'T BLEACH YOUR HAIR"
but dude when you have black hair you kinda have to get color
I mean your hair is going to grow out, so yeah your ends are going to get damaged but your hair won't always be damaged.
Like my sister did weird stuff with hair but her hair is normal now. Then again both of our hairs grow pretty fast so :3
Well you have warm-toned skin, so apparently you're better with earth tones, like honey-colored?
So the color you chose is nice. Although I think for you maybe a bit darker would be nice. Especially if you want blonde highlights with your color.
Careful with your hairstylist though, since if you don't bleach black hair properly it becomes brassy.
If you're feeling adventurous: THIS COLOR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHXIZAafTbg
Don't bleach it! Your hair never goes back to its original quality after you do. (I've dyed my hair several times and used bleach, it destroys your hair.) I think either a auburn or a caramel color would look good! The result of how the color comes out really just depends on what kind of hair you have.
Hope that helped in anyway!^^
Oh god don't bleach it! Just choose one that's 2-3 shades lighter than the shade you want. My hair is now a dark red but the actual dye was actually some kinda bright red. I think a burgundy/wine colour would look nice too. Actually looking at your choice a caramel color or strawberry blonde would seem nice too