Fᴀɪʀʏᴛᴀʟᴇs┊LɪɴXɪ Lᴜ (鹿林夕)


Lindsay Lu

Username: exo_lover66
Activeness Rate: 9.5/10


About Me
Full Name:
       ø Lu LinXi (Chinese - Hanja: 鹿林夕)
ø Lindsay Lu (English)
Nickname: Lin

Birthday: 29th of October
Birth Place: Beijing, China
Nationality: Full Chinese
Languages: Chinese (native fluent); English (very fluent); Korean (conversational)
Occupation: College Student, Dancer (Co-Owner of Street Dance Club 'Ignis' (which means 'fire' in Latin) along with her brother)

Faceclaim: Lee Da Som 
- Gallery 1
- Gallery 2
- Gallery 3
Backup Faceclaim: Yoo Hyun Jin
- Gallery 1
- Gallery 2

Likes (Only 5)
- Dancing
- Archery
- Horse-back riding
- Playing the piano
- Peace

Dislikes (Only 5)
- Insects (excluding butterflies)
- Pink (hot pink, not soft/pale pink)
- Arrogant people
- People who underestimate her
- Bullies and fights

Character Traits (Only 5)      
- Attentive
- Balanced
- Flexible
- Competitive
Character Flaws (Only 5)
- Aggressive
- Glaring Princess
- Perfectionist (is that bad?)







Character Personality (points in bold and italic)

ATTENTIVE ⇒ She is a very attentive girl. Whenever she's in her class, it's very hard for the other students to gain her attention. Also, when she's assigned to do something, she'd always work on it until it's completely finished. She is a very hard-working girl that wants the best for her and her friends. When it comes to training archery with her father or cousin, she'd listen well and learn fast. She is a very good listener, and she is fast to understand things. She was once avoided by most students because of how she's like the 'teacher's pet', always caring and being a good student. She was once nearly called the bookworm of the school when she was 5.

BALANCED ⇒ Lin is a very thoughtful girl, she always cares about her family and friends. She's like a mother to them, caring and sweet. But also, she's ambitious. She is passionate and has a strong will in success. Though, she can handle stress easily, she is a calm type of girl. When her rival loses, she often goes up to her/him, takes a deep breath to calm her anger, and often says "Don't you dare hell come near me again." to threaten him/her, then turns her back on him/her and struts off. She is, overall, a bit of a sensitive person.

FLEXIBLE ⇒ Always making friends, she can suit in any personality her friends have. She is a bit of a bipolar girl. She worries about something, staying silent for a minute. But when her friend suddenly comes over and tells her a joke, she'd get talkative and laugh all the time. But be careful; she's not an easy person to cheer up. Though, she is friendly and kind. She can understand what her friends need, or feel, or even their problems. Although, she isn't really used to boys' personality, as how mature she is and how often she goes out with only female friends while the others hang out with both male and female.

AGGRESSIVE ⇒ Sometimes, when it gets to fights, Lin just couldn't stand it. She'd yell "GUYS! ENOUGH! NO MORE FIGHTING!" whenever two guys fight over something, either it was a big problem or a small one. The harder people fight, the more aggressive she is. She kinda uses her rage to stop the fight. She is a very skilled fighter, also trained to fight well in archery. She hits precisely in the bullseye, which made her opponents slightly terrified of her. And plus, when she makes an angered face, her facial features really look like Kungfu Panda's Master Tigress, and only her close ones can calm her down.

GLARING PRINCESS ⇒ She often glares at people, especially the ones she hate or the ones who threaten her and her friends. If people say looks could kill, the person she glared at would be deader than dead by then. When some boys, or any flirty boys casually walk and call her name, she'd return and threaten them with a glare, as if her eyes say "Don't you come closer or I'll kill you." In other cases, when one of her friends get threatened by someone, she'd glare as if her eyes said "If you're gonna mess with him/her, you'll have to get through me first". When she's pissed off and someone comes over to her, she'd glare at the person, signing him/her to leave her alone. She often has a glaring contest with her rival before she starts fighting. She was like an ice princess to the queenkas in her schools. Hence, only some who truly understand her would be her friends. But she isn't all a glaring princess. In some times, you could see a slight twinkle in her eyes, which was the same feature that her brother had.

COMPETITIVE-PERFECTIONIST ⇒ She is a girl who loves challenges. New tricks? New lessons? New rivals? Bring it on! She's always wanted to strive for first place, thus becoming very perfectionist in her singing and dancing skills. She always trained harder and longer than her brother does. She doesn't stop until she's 100% sure that she's able to beat her rival. She would even ask her brother to accompany her. So be aware of her... She might be a strict trainer to you someday.


Love Interest {


About Him {♡} 
Love Interest: Wu "Kris" YiFan
Relationship: Crushing on each other, secret-friends



He is known as the type of those mysterious guys. He may seem to have that cold tough look, that piercing stare and his intimidating-like look. But overall, he is a soft, warm-hearted guy. He doesn't talk much, yet he can be as protective to his closest friends. He has a manly personality and was like a father to his friends. He has a heart of ice, that's what the other guys say. He often answers short and straight-to-the-point answers whenever the other ask him questions. As time pass, the secrets unravel. YiFan is actually an innocent naive boy giant who is addicted over the galaxy. His cold image was long forgotten by his close ones. But even so, he still acts cool and accepts the reality of being a still-innocent kid.



Remember When We Met?

After Chanyoon's parents decided to join both schools, Lin got excited that she could see her brother again (who studies in the all-boys school). She wanted to meet him in the cafeteria when suddenly another boy came in from the gym. This boy was tall,  fit-shaped, and most of her surpise, he is utterly the most handsome guy she's met so far. He had to leave shortly after a call from his street dance club 'Drachen' (which means 'dragon' in German). Then after school, Lin rushes off with her brother to her usual dance practice place, a small abandoned building just by an alley, 3 blocks away from the campus, which was unfortunately the Drachen's territory. She met up with her group of 5 other girls named 'She-Wolf' (hanja: 母狼). They practiced dancing and it turned out well for a few hours. Suddenly a navy blue van broke into the place (breaking some of the walls in result) and interrupted them. Men in navy blue masks got out of the van and made way for a tall man in white mask. That white-masked man was no other than YiFeng, YiFan's twin brother.

"I told you to stay out of my territory," he said. "You Drachens ruined our territory anyways!" Lin's brother, Luhan fired back. After a few arguements, the Drachens took over and took the She-Wolves' drums and lightsticks (their special dance props) away. Later that night, Lin and the She-Wolves decided to take back the lightsticks. They secretly sneaked out into the Drachen's Club, into the storage room and they succeeded in stealing back their drums and lightsticks. But that was just one part of their plan. They spread out to blend in with the audience, when Lin suddenly caught a glance of YiFan standing at the V.I.P. counter. Beside him was YiFeng himself. Her heart shattered into a million pieces. "No way. He's a Drachen?" she thought, "No. Drachen... Ignis..." She didn't realize that YiFan was staring at her. Lin caught his attention out of all the people in the crowd, not even his brother. They made an oblivious eye-contact for a few moments until Lin's teammate approached her. The second part of the plan was breaking onto the stage and shock and perhaps anger the Drachens with their Ignis dancing skills. YiFan was mesmerized by her beauty and her dance; his eyes never left the girl. He was mesmerized when she stripped off her hoodie as she danced and when she even had a dance battle with a Drachen dancer, and she wasn't even losing as well. He didn't even know that she was an Ignis- he had fallen for her.

A gunshot was heard. Luhan and a few of his bodyguards have arrived. Lin rushes off the stage, so does YiFeng... and YiFan. The elders were ready to kill each other when Lin and YiFan held them back. "I told you, YiFeng, to stay away from my sister!" Luhan growled in fury. The bodyguards were ready to take Lin away from the Drachen party but thanks to her She-Wolf teammates, she swiftly made her escape through another door. Unknowingly, YiFan followed her and took her into his car, driving away to the quietest park he knew. That was when they first touched each other. They took a moment to ask each other what happened back at Drachen, eventually knowing that their dance clubs were the top 2 dance clubs in Seoul... and were enemies. They then introduced each other and they became friends immediately. They exchanged phone numbers just in case they need something. "How are we gonna end this mess between our brothers?" Wu YiFan or Kris asked.

Before Lin could even answer, a navy blue van and a red Ferrari spot them and approached them. Stepping out of the Ferrari, Luhan was throwing daggers at Kris as he had his fists clenched tight. "No, Lu, stop it!" she calmly yet demandingly held him back by holding his hand. Not only she wanted YiFan to go home unharmed, she wanted to help end the feud of the two dance clubs. In the end, the two friends were seperated, but they knew that they will meet with each other again...

...in secret.



Scene Request:
- Kris sneaking into Ignis to find Lin, ending up being confronted by Luhan
- Chanyoon finding Lin acting weird due to her crush on Kris
- Kris and Lin's secret first kiss
- With the help of the She-Wolves and the colleagues, the feud between Ignis and Drachen ended
- Lin notices that Chanyoon starts to believe in the love myths

Myth: Star-Crossed Lovers / Romeo and Juliet
Backup Myth: Love at First Sight

Last comments?: Yeah.. Hi! I'm so freaking looking forward for this applyfic! I just happen to love this 'star-crossed lovers' love myth~ I'm sorry I was unable to write in just one or two paragraphs... It makes it undetailed and stuff. I hope you like her~ Please ask me if you're confused of something... or anything...

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