YG Family Tokyo Dome, laptop broke, kinda worst vacation ever but TOP will make it all better!

Just to let everyone know, my laptop is in the shop.  I have no computer right now and it's killing me!! But that means I can't post either (and I promised not long ago to update again).  Gomen nasai!!


Also right now, I am at Tokyo Dome waiting for YG Family concert to start.  I made my boyfriend take me and wait in line with me for tour goods.  Poor guy.  He's into techno and house music and he was just like so confused by this giant fandom.  He was like I don't understaaaaaand.  He left saying he had to go to the vinyl shop...feel like I damaged his brain or something haha oh well, he was really sweet for coming with me^^ Arigato, Yutaka-chan!!


You know, I hate my job (even though I signed on for another year...I'm stupid) but it's worth it to see these concerts and have such a nice boyfriend^^


Anyways, promise to update as soon as my laptop is back!   It'll probably be a month in the shop though T^T


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lucky...good luck