The Little Things

Live everyday to the fullest! We only have such a short life, I think that it's important we do what we love, and love what we do. A lot of the time worries keep us from enjoying the beauty in life, and keep us from being happy and content with what life has to offer. We struggle to maintain an image that people expect, that people have of us and want us to be. We don't live to please others. We should just do what we love, what we think is morally right, and what we know will help us to live fulfilling lives that can inspire others and do others good in the process.

What are some little changes we can do to make ourselves less stressed over small issues?

1. Be happy

Always smile in the face of anything, be it something positive or negative. Make sure you always think of everything as an opportunity to improve and discover:) Don't let bad stuff get to you, don't let them bother you. Be who you are, and make sure you appreciate and treasure yourself!


2. Create playlists

On my iPod, I have playlists like music to relax or music to make me happy! I also have playlists for excercise, for inspiration, for prayer and for motivation. If you're like me, and music plays a big role in your mood, get the most uplifting music possible, and be touched and emotionally changed by the song. Avoid loud and dark music if you're in a bad mood, it just makes things worse! If you're feeling kind of melancholic, listen to music that's soothing and calming. If you're in a good mood, listen to fast-paced and uplifting music to keep the energy! if you're feeling girly, or sassy for some reason, you can listen to lots of f(x), Girl's Day, SNSD or After School (Super girly groups!)


3. Be Healthy

I always feel that the healthier I am, the Happier I am. Well, of course I love all those sweet treats and everything, but in order to stay healthy, I like to eat fruits and I like to drink lots of good water! The more nutritious the stuff I eat, the happier I feel because I know I'm doing my best to take good care of my body. My body is important, because it is what lets me function, and it's important to ensure that I always takeextra care in making it as healthy and energized as possible!


4. Don't Envy others

We should always appreciate everything we have, and be thankful for it. Learn to love what has been given to you, and learn to accept that life isn't always fair, nor is it perfect. Like everyone else, we often fail to notice the good of life, and focus too much on what we desire or don't have. Don't waste your time deceiving yourself, into thinking that you aren't good enough or aren't as good as someone else. No one's prefect, but the more you learn to love yourself, your body, your talents, your flaws, the more you'll realise that you're a great person. Don't keep on comparing yourself to others. Ever seen someone who you thought was perfect? Well, you are that someone for somebody else. You're just as great, just as beautiful in the eyes of someone else as someone you admire and envy is to you.


5. Give some time for yourself

I think there's way too much overuse of social media these days. I think that instead of getting so involved in someone else's life, we should focus more on creating, developing and shaping our own first. Don't spend so much time on something useless, and don't bother caring about every single thing someone else does. It's great to care, but there's a  difference between real care and being a busybody. This is the time to be selfish, to reflect on whether or not you are making the best out of your own life, how you can improve and how you can shape the lives of those around you who you truly love and care for. Instead of looking at someone's seemingly perfect photos on the net, of some supermodel or idol you wish you were, why don't you take the time to think about how you can improve yourself to become that someone for the rest of the world? If you're unhappy with the way you look, don't procrastinate and don't sit there and wallow in self-pity. Instead, give yourself a nice bath, go and make your hair pretty. Change your lifestyle to a healthy and a happy one, and learn to see that you re beautiful, that you are as good as a person can get. And you won't need to keep on envying others or being a busybody to others. Instead, you would be a person who is both mature and confident, and there won't be a need to compare.


I hope that this helps you make your weekend a meaningful one, and makes you think a little about how to make yourself happier!

What do you do to stay happy?



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I love this! this is very inspiring :)
This was very inspiring, thanks! Before created a playlist for when I feel sad, though the songs I put in there made me even more sad!
i dance and sing....then eat ice-cream...only lolly ones though...then read story or fictions and i also write a little poems...yeah i know i m just 16 going on 17 but still...well i m not its my fun time...and about friends...well i m die in silence type but when i have some i like trolling um yeah...this is ME...^^i sound so old!...hehehe