teen top bias (unofficial)



as it says on the title...this whole THING is UNOFFICIAL!!!

i don't PARTICULARLY LOVE teen top at the moment...i just thought that I should get it out....i'm still quite unfamiliar with the members except ricky (since hes the maknae and is like a few months younger than me ><) and neil (he sings like most of supa luv >< its hard to not notice LOL) so...but yeah, just wanted to get it out LOL


so...its UNOFFICIAL. meaning that it will most HIGHLY change = =



back to business


1. chunji -- i liked his voice/cuteness/high notes in supa luv >< and does anyone (xcept me ><) think tht he looks like kwanghee of ze:a???  >< thts wat i got attractd to first >< he fact tht he looks like kwanghee ><

2. C.A.P -- my first time loving a RAPPER of the group...his voice is rlly nice ^^ and his rap is strong ^^ xcept...doesnt his cheek bones look a bit high to u...?? O.o...oh wells ^^

3. Neil -- if i didnt like neil i think the whole world would ask me why >< i liked his intro into supa luv ^^

4. changho -- his cute ^^ xcept the glasses in supa luv did NOT suit him whatsoever = =

5. ricky -- ....nothing to say LOLZ

6. L.Joe -- {undefined}


gosh...i actually KNOW all of the members name?!

just realised when i was going down the list >< but anyways, i dunno them by face xDDD wonder if i can still know who they are in clap....should try ^^

anyways, teen top isnt tht good yet...their still rookies after all but hopefully their next few comebacks will be as good as supa luv and better than clap (no one can deny tht clap was bad...= = no offence to full time teen top lovers but...it just does NOT work well wif me taste of music = =)


out of curosity, has teen top created itself a fanclub name yet? wat is it...???



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hyeamazing #1
Something I just noticed that you said in this...<br />
Ricky isn't the real maknae, he just acts like it.<br />
Changjo is the maknae, born in November, while Ricky was born in February.
It's andromeda.. At least I think that how you spell it.. Haha omg! I love teen top at the moment!! And infinite.. Shah and it's proly because shinee and beast aren't really active right now.. Lol