How EXO's Antis Function


a vip disrespects bangtan through baekhyun?? wow thanks exo fandom

things get heated during mama award voting?? good job exo fandom

taemin gets harassed by ing s?? gotta be the exo fandom

man the weather outside is pretty bad. thanks exo fandom

oh no!!! i stepped on a lego!!! exo fandom how could you

oops stubbed my toe and it’s the exo fandom’s fault

fight breaks out that is completely irrelevant to the exo fandom?? thanks exo fandom


It does make sense when you think about it tbh.





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So true sir :/ Antis blame everything on the person they hate. I've only met a few who were actually decent about Exo but most I encountered are downright horrible and cruder then the sasaengs they complain about.
yup. sounds about jeez the EXO fandom isnt that cause for everything bad geesh lol
omg loool how did baek get here XD