Humans... I don't get YOU!

Hey guys:D I'm here again^^ to start my daily rant^_^

So.............. I hate people who smokes=.=' End of story.

LOL>< I'm not gonna really end this story. It hasn't even started yet. So, there were some people who were smoking near me yesterday and I was like:

I can't stand the ing smoke! I was sneezing throughout the time and coughing in between. I felt like dying! If you wanna smoke, then can you do it somewhere else? 

The things I wanna do to those smokers that were roaming in my head at that time:

How in the ing hell they can inhale those ing smokes when I were literally dying on the side when I'm not even ing inhaling those damn smokes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gosh, humans... I don't get you. 

On the bright side, I've completed my drabble series for BTS which was called, "Just One Day". Wohoo... Complete bro. Complete. 



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I also hate smokers. I don't cough very loud, but I give a small cough, and then the look. And again, and again XD But that rarely happens, because most people only smoke at the designated places. They don't want to risk a ticket :P I read another comment below, about smokers at work, and I'm SO glad that's not allowed in the Netherlands. It's even forbidden in cafés, so that the people who work at those bars don't work in smoke!

But my dad smokes... He has to smoke in the garage though. But he smells when he comes back. I know he knows I don't like it, so I don't say anything. But I do step aside when he comes close, or close the door to the garden when he's smoking outside when the weather is nice. I would rather have a hot kitchen/living room, than a smelling one. He gets irritated, but that makes two of us then, so I don't care XD
I don't really judge him though besides that. He has multiple illnesses, and one of those will cause him to get in a wheelchair in a couple of years. He takes a lot of medicines for his illnesses, not all of them without side effects. So I think the smoking is his way of 'controlling' his body's declination. But I don't know...

When I would fall in love with someone who smokes, I would say the same to him my aunt said to my uncle: "Either the cigaret leaves, or I leave". My hate goes that deep XP. And I would immediately know if I'm important/loved enough XD

Long post, sorry O.O But I haven't commented in a while so... ^.^"
liatkyu #2
I feel you. I'm a secretary and because it's a private place everyone smoke in the office
In the past I didn't say anything, now it's like "I hate everyone of you! Go to smoke outside I don't want to die because of you little s" -_-
shinee4ever2012 #3
Thats soo truee! When i pass by smokers i would be half fake coughing and would "accidentally" said "PASSIVE SMOKING!! NOO!! Im gonna die soon" cough cough cough
i get soo pissed when people smoke around me, its freaking annoying
The other day I was in the park, and where I live it's not really sunny and warm that often so whenever it IS sunny, you can bet the parks will be packed with lil kids. And this dude was just smoking..... I was really annoyed and started coughing dramatically and waving my hands around to "move the smoke away from my face." He got the message and went to the parking lot. XD
My uncles smoke and for some reason, they like to blow it in my face. =_=: They're such losers. OTL
Well yeah smoking isnt a good thing at all. But lets not judge thoes people completely, they started once but it becomes addicting after that. Thats why its so hard for people who are trying to quit. But they shouldnt damage other peoples lungs, if they're ruining theirs.
I still don't understand what's so fun about smoking... your clothes, hair & everything else smells of smoke, your teeth get damaged, you lose your sense of smell and you're destroying lungs... for what? A one second sensation of peace and quiet? Passive smoking is worse than direct smoking, SO GET AWAY FROM THOSE PEOPLE.
...tho I see nothing wrong with it in fiction *gets slapped* I KNOW, BAD EXAMPLE ;A;
Smoking people just want to see the world burn
-cues drumset-
I get you. When I walk past people who smoke or they walk past, I am mentally killing them off for smoking and imagining that they quickly choke on the smoke or something. Haha *evil child right here* but yeah, I pretend to cough really REALLY loudly and so on, so they get the hint but... these smokers don't care. It's like, if you wanna smoke, go stand somewhere far away, like the middle of the road or something!! Aishh.
EveNiN #10
I know how it feels to be walking down the street and suddenly getting enveloped by smoke. What's worse is that around my train station there are many 'No Smoking' signs (coz many students use the public transport etc) but they still smoke! Every time I walk through that place I always thinking *HELLO! Are you blind or what? This place is littered with 'No Smoking' signs!*.
I don't like it when you're just like doing your own stuff walking past and then they're just like 'ooh lets just blow some stuff into your hair, clothes and nose'. And then you're just walking past holding your breath. It gets annoying ><
I don't really care if people choose to ruin their body with cigarettes as long as it doesn't affect me... which it does, of course, if they're smoking near me or in my house or whatever.
I FEEL YOU! T^T I can't even breathe since I have an Asthma.

I caugh loudly on the side on purpose and I was like "cough~... cough. ... Cough! Ahem... *breathe in*.... COUGH!!!!!! AHEM!!!!! EXCUSE ME SIR BUT I'M DYING HERE BECAUSE OF YOUR ING SMOKE! If you want to die, go and die all by your self and stop dragging people in to it!"
It's annoying because even If you don't smoke, people who smoke around you can damage your lungs too. That's why you have to make sure you bring a scarf, a mask or whatever to try and keep the smoke entering your system. Even If you're not smoking It, because they're smoking around you It's dangerous. Foolish Humans. - 3-