Flipping the damn finger *gasp*

Hi guys! Hi Guys! Hi guys!!!!! I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally my one-year Foundation In Science course is done and now I'm waiting to move on to continue to my Degrees... We'll see what course I can get. Hopefully, I can get what I want. So for now... HOLI MOTHERING DAY!!!! Wohoooo....

First, I wanna shoutout to AceJay05 She wall-post me the other day and I really really appreciate it:D I can't imagine anyone being a fan of my rants. I mean... ya know... like... actually follow them. So... I dedicate this blog to her^^ 

So............................. Actually, I wasn't sure whether I wanted to blog about this. But I can't help myself><' 

It happened last Friday. My grandpa would be always come by and hang out with my family on Fridays, stealing our Wi-Fi. Kekeke... Not that I mind... Since I would usually do that when I go to his place too... Muahaha...

My grandma would drop him at out place around 12 and then he would go home around 3 or 4 p.m. It was already 3 o'clock and he told me, "Okay... I'm going home." So I got out of the room and started waving him goodbye like:

And he replied like: 

Well, almost like this, but without the dinasour hat><;

And then he did something shocking... From waving with his 5 fingers.... He kinda like waved changed to waving only the middle finger at me like: 

 Well, not in a hip-hop manner, more like with a smile...

At first I was like:

 Still trying to register what was going on....

And then when I realize what it was, I was like:

Instinctively, I was being, "What the ? Did he just.... What????" I was confused. And he just walked away like it was nothing.

And..... until today I'm confused.

Sigh. I guess it's time for me to have a talk about him what that middle finger means right? 


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paperboat- #1
lmao I would be the same way like 'did he just...............'
and then 'maybe he didn't..........'
like wtf lolol
love your gifs selection though
Omo, your grandpa is funny.
I glad u write again n_n
LOL ASIAN GRANDMAS ALWAYS DO THAT. My grandma points with her middle finger all the time and when we're in public I always crack up and have to tell her that it means something bad in English. XD
yes yes it is