April Showers


*awkward laugh*


Okay, I'm just gonna spit it out - some of you are probably waiting for me to update EXO House, The Make-Over Game, Crashlanded and such

But, unfortunately, that's not happening any time soon because my summer exams are in less than 2 months and we all know what that means...

*sigh* TT_TT


I'm putting my stories in hiatus

Uhuhuhu 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・

But I'll be on and off AFF since I like to keep updated with you guys  :)




On a more serious note...

Let's all spare a thought for everything that's been happening recently

I was appalled when I found out that only 2 of 46 lifeboats were released on that ferry, Sewol, and that the captain was one of the first persons to get rescued. I mean that's ridiculous! The amount of lives that could've been saved! 

And, with Mexico getting hit with an earthquake too... I wish that everyone could be safe but, that can't be the case at all. I hope aid reaches them as soon as possible.

My heart goes out to the victims and their relatives...

Ugh, it just makes me angry and sad

Stay strong Korea and Mexico ♥︎





Erm... I don't really want to end on that sad note

I haven't wished you well yet so

Happy Easter! And if you don't celebrate Easter then, I hope you guys are having a wonderful summer/spring break :)

What are you guys up to? Planning something nice? What did you do today? Tell me - even if it's random! :')



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I'm in the bus alone, heading to a book store just to buy my stationery hahaha :) I'm having a slight flu now urgh it's so annoying D:
My day has just started... So I will tell what I did yesterday :)
I attended my German class, which was pretty much the whole day.
Happy Easter to you too...