4:51 PM Senti Mode

As much as I want to talk to them.... I can't bring myself to.

I'm so ashamed. I don't want to ruin the mood. I don't want to ruin this day.

I feel suffocated.


Today is maomao's birthday. we should be celebrating it.

but we can't. *sighs*


I guess April Babies can't be that happy during their birthdays~

I was not happy during my birthday~

I was even more excited to celebrate my chingus birthdays than  my birthday. lol

But I guess that's how my chingus felt too (they were more excited to celebrate my birthday than my own), but that's just a theory okay? hehe

You see...

I spent the first 12 hours of my birthday in the dream land.

I was alone at home until 3PM until two of my bestf girl friends visited me.

Lol. so yeah~ we celebrated it :) and my birthday ended after some hours.


Now we can't even celebrate maomao's birthday cos there's an accident that happened in Korea.

Sones decided to keep quiet about sica's birthday to show respect to the victims and their families.


Aigooo~ i dont want to feel this way.. but i really hate april.

i don't like feeling sad... it makes me sad. HAHA




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