it's 12:20 AM

I'm just hell bored and I saw this blog of 21jaNine22... so yeah... i decided to answer it as well... i just wanted to do something. hehe


A-Z Quiz.


A: Availability



B: Birthday

-April 5


C: Crushing on

-Yoon Jae (from You Who Came From the Stars) :) and my best friend.


D: Drink you had last

- Water


E: Easiest person(s) to talk to

-I'd rather not talk. 


F: Favourite song(s)

-Soshi songs and OSTs (esp. Bling Star, Mistake, Forever, Almost) . The Script Songs.


G: Grossest memory

-there's a lot of gross memories. can't pick which one is the grossest :)


H: Hometown

-find it out :)


I: In love with

-how do you know when you're in love?

J: Jealous of

-a lot of people

K: Killed someone

-physically? nah. emotionally? i'm not sure. hahaha


L: Longest friendship

-10 years?


M: Milkshake flavor

- i dont drink milkshakes often... but i like mango :)


N: # of siblings

-none. but 


O: 1 wish

-i wish i passed my math subject 3


P: Person you last called

-one of my best girl friends :)


Q: ?'s you always ask

- how are you~


R: Reason to smile

- Soshi

S: Song last listened to

- Bling star


T: Time you woke up

- 7? 8?


U: Underwear color

-can't remember... i didn't pay much attention about it you see~


V: Violent moment you had

-i was violent a while ago... i screamed my lungs out~


W: Worst habit

- overthinking


X: X-rays you had

-chest xray... for enrolment purposes


Y: Your last time you cried

- i don't cry


Z: Zodiac sign



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