Please read

Okay so i know I don't really write much anymore I swear I want to and I've actually been motivated but I literally have no time right now between school and work and family bonding time (I'm actually very family orientated ) and I just got my laptop back since it was broken but this is something I feel the need to share since I know there are many young, naive and innocent girls who may think that you'd stand up to erts but won't. (Trust me I've been there, said that, haven't done that.)

Okay so anyway, the other day I was starving and called a restaurant to order food for me and my brother and I went to go to pick the food up. The guy that works there is like 60 years old and has a wife and pretty sure kids too. Well I get there and he like winked at me but I brushed it off thinking he's overly friendly (I go there frequently and he's always like that) and then he wouldn't give my card back until I smiled. So I was on my phone, waiting for the food, and he was like "or you're texting" and I said yea and then he said something that I can't remember. 

then I went home and my other brother wanted food so I call again, and his wife answers and I gave in the order. I went for my brother cause I felt bad. So I go and the guys there obviously and he said something like I should text him cause I was on my phone again. I was like what. And he said to me "tell me hi or bye, good morning or goodnight" meanwhile I'm thinking what the . Then he starts giving me his number, and he repeated it twice. I told him straight up that I didn't get that. I grabbed the food and started leaving and I hear him say "it'll be our secret. You can tell me anything." My brother was ready to kill he was so mad. And I was ready to cry when I was telling them. Like I was actually scared. This old man, whose wife is working in the back and I'm pretty they have kids, is hitting on me in the most creepy way. 

But my point in telling you this, don't let creepy guys hit on you. If you have a weird vibe coming off of them stay clear. Trust your gut. It's most likely not wrong. Don't brush things off as overly friendly that was my mistake. Be mean. Put on your face. Stand up for yourself. I wish I did and I regret it. Don't let anyone treat you any less than what you deserve. 

Also, if you see a guy being too close to someone who is clearly uncomfortable with them, step in. You don't have to tell the guy off just act like you know the person. Start a conversation, trust me they'll be relieved. I've done that before and the girl was so happy she bought me a drink as a thank you. I'm still friends with her. But please, don't be scared. 

If you have to see the person and you can't avoid it, take someone with you. Like I said, trust your gut.

Sorry for the long post, but I felt like this needed to be said. 


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God, that's horrible. I hope that didn't traumatize you. It's happened to me quite a few times, but it was not this bad. Shiiid.
OMG that's sick,it really makes me mad, that creepy losers find it acceptable to hit on younger girls. There was a worker at the convenience store near my house, when i was about 8 years old i went to the store with my older sister to get chips and candy, my sister didn't have enough money, so she told me to wait in the store and she'll quickly get the money from our house. i was just waiting for her to come back and the guy behind the till who was always nice to us,he was middle-aged too, but i would usually see him staring at me everytime i went by the store, he asked me if i wanted to kiss him, and would i like him to kiss me, like what the ? i was 8 years old and i just wanted to cry as i had no idea what to do, but before anything could happen (thank the Lord!!), my sister came back and when i got home i told my mom and dad......and i don't really know what happened afterwards, but the worker at the convenience store was still there, but he never looked at me ever again, but that experience scared me less, and it really taught me to be aware of my surroundings, and how FREAKIN IMPORTANT it is to tell someone straight away if some pedo does hit on you or tries to flirt with you. it's a wrong and i'm glad you got through it.
.....ooh yeah last year after sportsday, i was waiting for the bus to go home and this guy came up and sat really and i mean thigh against thigh close to me and started talking to me in my native language, as he could tell that i was Asian, and he asked me my name and where i was going,. i just faked name a told him i was visiting a friend, as the bus came i just gave him a dirty look and i believe my body language pretty much told him to GTFO!, but he didn't bother me again. but i kind of made me realise afterwards, that it really wasn't really necessary for me to talk to him in the first place, i should have just got up and moved way, there wasn't even a point in wasting my breath with the loser.
Stay strong lovely <3 <3
Be careful next time :S ! And thanks to share it with us :)
teaquiIa #4
omg pedo much. be careful next time. OAO
oh my god that is creepy im glad that is over with, good that you share that, if you are clearly uncomfortable step in and take action, you dont want the other person to think that you like it.
Omg that is so true. That happened to me (not with an old guy haha) but with a guy friend that I've known for 6 years now and dear jesus he started acting really strange. Acting more touchy and close when we talk and I just like him as a friend and nothing else. He said he wanted to talk to me alone one day and omg I freaked out so I totally avoided him by calling my cousin when he was coming over to me. She knew about the situation and im so happy she picked up her phone. Seriously girl, I feel you. It's the most uncomfortable feeling ever and I can only imagine how it was for u with that old pedo.