▐ ↳ Unison — Yeon Mi Rae



yeon mi rae


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what's your name;


birth name:   yeon mi rae

other name(s): n/a

nickname(s): yeonie - close friends, family members.

birth date: October 23, 1995

age: international age | 18 | korean age  | 19 |

ethnicity: pure korean

birthplace: seoul, south korea

hometown: seoul, south korea

languages: korean (native) | english (fluent) - school | mandarin (training) |

mirror mirror;


face claim: park hye min | pony 

backup face claim: kim seukhye

height: 164 cm | 5'3

weight: 46 kg

fashion style: Mirae doesn't stick to one style since there is a tremendous amount to explore. She loves changing up things, and is always on the look for whats new and trendy. She can rock any look from sneakers, and jeans to dresses and heels. Her favorite style to rock is stylish shirts, or blouses (lace, floral, etc.) with a pair of jeans or pants. She likes accessorizing her outfits in a way that she's wearing the jewlery and the jewlery isn't wearing her.

casual | 1 - 2 - 3 | airport fashion | 1 - 2 - 3 | dorm |1 - 2 - 3| practice | 1 - 2 - 3 | formal | 1 - 2 - 3 |

appearance: Mirae has a petite figure. She has long legs, and a slim figure. She has fair complexion, and big brown eyes. Her hair is naturally dark brown. She has long lashes, and rosy cheeks.  She has two piercings on each ear, and one on her caritlage

truth or dare;



the good | compassionate, deticated, trustworthy, loyal, flexible, free-spirited, charismatic, caring, cheerful, original

the bad | impatient, delicate, sensitive, naive, shy, forgetful, clumsy, anxious, dependant, slow

personality: Mirae is a compassionate person. She's very sweet and kind. She feels like when given good, you recieve good, so she tries to be as kind-hearted as possible. She's a deticated person, and once she sets her mind on something, she'll do it and fight for it. Mirae is a very loyal girl, and doens't kiss & tell. She stays loyals to everyone, and doesn't like the act of being two-faced. Mirae has a versatile personality where she can easily adapt to any change. She personally perfers things to be the way the are and always have been, but she doesn't mind a little change. Mirae is a free-spirited girl and doesn't judge a book by it's cover. She cares for those around her especially for those close to her. She can be over-protective, but she feels like its her job. She loves making people laugh and smile when she can, and almost always succeeds.

Mirae can be impatient. She has a short patience, and hates waiting and becomes anxious. Though she tries being strong, she fails. She's a very sensitive person who easily gets hurt. She can be naive as well; she easily trusts anyone, and befriends people quickly before getting to know who they really are, only causing harm to herself. She may seem like a social-butterfly but she's actually shy with people she doesn't know, but mostly boys. Even though she can befriend people easily it still takes her time to grow out of her shell. Mirae is a clumsy girl, and often get's hurt. She can also be forgetful and slow. Mirae  depends on people

likes: art | shopping | books | horror genre | traveling | photography | baking | cooking | poetry | music | fashion | movies | spring | animation |

dislikes: insects | extreme hot weather | laziness | failure | rude, fake, lying type of people | negative vibes | racism | 

hobbies: shopping | modeling | photography | baking | sketching | reading | writing | playing the piano | dancing | singing | 

habits: clapping her hands while laughing | biting or her lip when she's nervous | mixing Korean, English, & Mandarin together when she's angry.

fears: losing loved ones | being alone | thunder | heights | 

strengths: playing the piano | singing | dancing | modeling | acting |


  1. her favorite colors are blue & pink.
  2. she is a cusp meaning she has two zodiac signs: libra & scorpio.
  3. she played the piano for eight years.
  4. she's had the dream of becoming a star for almost a decade.
  5. she's never been in a relationship, and is afraid of falling in love.
  6. she has two siblings.
  7. her ideal type is someone tall, and someone who would always protect her and care for her.
  8. she played the piano for five years.
  9. before taking piano lessons, her mother signed her up for ballet classes.
  10. she's an aunt.

current residence: seoul, south korea

dear my family;


background: Mirae was born in Seoul, South Korea, along with her two older siblings Kyungmi and Taejun. Mirae has always been close with all her family members. She has a close bond with both parents, and Mirae has always loved being with them. Before beginning her training, Mirae was the only sibling left to still live with her parents because her two older siblings are already married and live with their own families.

Mirae was the quitest amongst her siblings when they were younger. Even though she was the youngest of the house, Taejun and Kyungmi would both claim she was the most mature. Mirae was incredibly shy, and timid when she was younger. Making friends was difficult for her, so she would often cling onto her sister, or brother. As Mirae grew older, her shyness didn't really leave. Even by the age of ten she was still shy, and hardly ever made friends, until one day her brother brought home a friend, named Jackson Wang. 

The Beginning

The first time Mirae met Jackson, she was insanely shy. however, Jackson was nice to Mirae. Everytime he came over he ended up playing or hanging out with Mirae. Jackson helped Mirae slowly grow out of her shell, and become more social, and bubbly. After years of friendship, the two  grew incredibly close. They had many things in common, and even had common interests. Jackson liked fencing, which was something Mirae wasn't familiar with, but he slowly began teaching her step by step. Another interest Jackson had was music, which was something Mirae loved. Jackson loved dancing, singing, and rapping. He secretly dreamt of becoming a singer, but his father had another dream for him, to join the Olympics and become a fencer. Jackson and Mirae would often dance together, sing, and pretend to be idols. It soon became both their dreams to become idols, and perform on stage in front of thousands of people. By the age of fifteen, Mirae knew she had grown feelings for him. She was always happy with him, and really cared for him. She was afraid of confessing her feelings since she was afraid it would effect their friendship. 

Start of Something New

One day, Jackson visited Mirae with horrible news...That he was heading back home to Hong Kong. Mirae was heart-broken that someone she cared for, and was a big part of her life was now leaving. When Jackson left, she became depressed, and was incredibly sad. She was also angry at the fact that he never found out about how Mirae really felt towards him. From the help of family, and friends they helped her through her sadness, and helped her cope with her feelings. They began supporting her in the idea of auditioning for an entertainment. At first, Mirae refused because that was a dream she shared with Jackson, and couldn't do it without him, but her brother Taejun pointed out that Jackson would want her to do it. After a long time of deciding what she wanted, she finally auditioned for SM. 

Mirae advanced through the audition rounds, and successfully became an SM trainee. Her family was very supportive of her, and was always there for her. Mirae trained her very best so all her dreams could come true, and she could show Jackson that she did it, for the both of them. She practiced hard day and night, rarely seen asleep, not eating as much as she should, and she almost always looked half-dead.

Hello Again

An event occured where trainees from all entertainment companies had a small gahtering or party, and Mirae went along with her fellow trainees. There were trainees from YG, SM, TS, Woolim, JYP, etc. While at the party, Mirae noticed someone who looked insanely familiar...Once she got a good look, she realized finally that it was Jackson..after all these years she couldn't believe it was him. She was too nervous, and scared to approach him from the fear the he might not remember her. When she laid her eyes on him, she realized that her feelings hadn't gone away for him. Her heart raced, and she was becoming more and more nervous. Mirae decided to leave the party when suddenly two arms wrapped around her from behind. She slowly turned to see it was Jackson. Her eyes widened and he smiled.

"Looks like we both made it. I've missed you so much, Yeonie."



Father | Yeon Kwang Hee |46 |  Mechanical Engineer | Kwanghee is a strict yet loving man. He cares for his family very much, and tries his best to support them. He's rarely seen home, and is almost always working, and on his days off, he's working at home. He's not strict in ways of not letting his children follow their dreams, but he's strict in ways of keeping his children conservative, mature, and appropiate. He hopes for all his kids to have bright futures, and handle themselves welll when he's not around. | Kwanghee and Mirae have an awkward yet loving relationship. Mirae barely ever saw her father since he worked so much, and when she began training, she almost never saw him, But when she does, she's always happy to see him.

Mother | Yeon Isuel | 44 | Painter | Isuel is a very kind-hearted, easy-going lady. She loves being herself, and loves people who are able to be themselves. She's not anywhere near strict, because she likes seeing her kids as friends, so they wouldn't feel so trapped. | Isuel and Mirae have a close bond, and it didn't much when Mirae began training. Mirae feels so close to her mother she's able to tell secrets, and how she feels like two best friends would do.

Brother | Yeon Tae Jun | 22 | University Student Graduate - Doctoral Degree in Medical Field | Taejun is a very honest, sweet person. He's not like most guys, and a little old fashioned. He very brave, and determined. He can easily get irratated, and has a short temper. Other then that, he's your everyday ordinary type of guy. | Taejun and Mirae have always been close. Taejun has always been there for Mirae, and he loves his little sister. They're almost completely alike, and have many things in common. Taejun was one of the major people who helped Mirae go through her depression phase when Jackson left.

Sister | Yeon Kyung Mi | 21 | Housewife | Kyungmi became more mature as she grew older. She doesn't speak much, but when she does, their usually helpful words, and great advice. She often likes keeping her distance people, but keeps those close to her close.  | Kyungmi became close with Mirae when Jackson left. It would take a lot for Mirae to leave her bedroom, so Kyungmi would often take her out shopping, or anywhere. They grew close together during those days, and when Kyungmi became a mother, Mirae would always come over after tiring training, to see her neice.


best friend(s): 

Jackson Wang | 20 | Fencer-JYP artist in group GOT7 | Jackson is a fun, outgoing guy. He's a compassionate person, and he's all-around kind. He can be goofy, and tries to make people laugh and smile. He may seem cold and hard to approach at first, but once you get to know him, you realize he's the complete oppisite. | Jackson and Mirae grew up together and were the bestest of friends until he moved. | From Mirae's brother.

friend(s): n/a

boy in luv


love interest: jackson wang

personality: Jackson is a compassionate, and kind-hearted boy. He likes to mess around with his close hyungs and friends. He enjoys making people laugh and smile, and can easily befriend someone. He's a social-butterfly and isn't the least bit shy. He can be weird, and a little crazy at times but all for good fun. He's a loyal, honest person, whose imperfectly perfect.

first meeting: Through Mirae's brother, Taejun. (Explained in background)

relationship status: best friends; crush

interactions: Jackson and Mirae were close friends until Jackson moved. When they encountered each other after several years, he acted as if nothing had changed.

backup love interest:

(sehun | 19 | exo )

(kai | 20 | exo )

can u smile


love rival: ( optional, as of right now, no one's taken )

personality: ( again, at least one paragraph of 6 sentences, that's not hard, right? )

first meeting: ( again, doesn't have to be unique or long; just detailed )

relationship status: ( just the status would do; strangers, acquaintances, friends, close friends etc )

interactions: ( be detailed )

why he's your love rival?:  (it can be that the oc likes the love rival, don't always say that the guy likes the girl alright? )

backup love rival: ( state 2, too; name | age | group )

this is war


rival: ( optional, no one's taken yet )

personality: ( if she's y, she can't ONLY be y, elaborate; a paragraph with at least 6 sentences )

first meeting: ( like wise, doesn't have to be long or unique )

reason of rivalry: ( don't give me the typical 'oh i spilled coffee on her and she hated me since then' bull )

interactions: ( be detailed )

backup rival: ( give me at least 2; name | age | group )

one voice


stage name: Mi Rae

persona: Versatile Angel

position: rose | leader, lead vocalist

backup position:  

Rough Copy | Leader, Lead Vocalist

Red Alert | Main Vocalist, Visual


voice- taeyeon
vocal- tiffany
dance- BoA
rap- n/a

fanclub name + color: Future(s) (Mirae means Future) | color: #ffccff

trainee years: four years

trainee background: Mirae was treated fairly nice. She didn't really talk to anyone, because she didn't want anyone to get in her way and distract her. The few friends she made would always come and go due to elimination rounds. She left her high school and joined Seoul Arts Performing High School for even more practice when she isn't training. Her skills and talents improved in the past four years, and she even continued learning more things, like new languages, acting, and modeling. She even cntinued playing the piano, which helped in some areas. 

pre-debut experiences: Non-stop practicing, but when she actually had time to breathe, she would visit her family and hang out with some friends.

hello and goodbye;

comments: None, but some things were repetitive since it was pretty much the same question.

suggestion(s): WGM, Hello Baby, our own show? (So fans get to know us)

scene request(s): Just an idea, but maybe like a scandal, or something gets leaked. Something intense :) Some romance for all twelve girls.

anything else?: affair

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