| Club AFTERGLOW ☀ | | Woo Jihee | | Guest |


Woo Ji Hee
applicant. _Kawahiro_
active rate [1-10]. 10
nickname. Shayla

plotline. Woo jiho's sister
Favourite drink/cocktail: Snow Caps
full name. Woo Ji hee
nicknames. jiji
ethnicity. Korean
languages. fluent korean, conversational chinese
face claim: ...
backup face claim: ...
likes & dISLIKES:
(+) Like (-) Dislike
+ Coffee
+ Alcoholic coffee
+ chocolate covered
+ Chocolate liqiour
+ white roses
+ Floral decor
+ fashion design
+ Rain
+ , lots of
+ Candles
+ Romance

- poor designed fashion
- peanuts
- uptight people
- Soccer
- not having coffee in the morning.
- horror stories and
- Not having a romantic
- Being single
- Feeling lonely
- How overprotective
Jiho can be
TRIVIA + Hobbies + fears:
(~)Trivia (+)hobbies (*)Fear
~ is 21
~ Has a dog named muff
~ is  a famous
contemporary dancer
~ Is allergic to blueberries
~ Knows how to make 
most coffee cocktails
~ Is known for her love
of coffee and chocolate
~ Has a very big libido
~ Is very picky about men
~ Only likes romantic men
~ Doesn't like girls that are a lot like herself

+ Dancing
+ Coreographing
+ Designing clothes
+ cooking
+ meeting people
+ More dancing
+ attending recitals

* never being able to dance again
* never finding real love
* becoming blind

Being a Woo, Jihee grew up quite extravantly, she was treated very well as a young girl. She was born late October, barely a year after her brother. She was an avid dancer when she was young, starting when she was three she was placed in dance classes. She was home schooled until grade five because she was just a terrible brat that would freak out if she didn't get her way. Jiho really talked some sense into her and Jihee realized that if she wanted to amount to anything she had to behave. So, with the help of her big brother she started public school. It was a very rocky start, being the new girl and only knowing her brothers friends made it tough for her to make friends in the begining. Once she joined the schools competitive dance team she began getting friends. She was a very popular girl after that. She was not the brightest student, having an average grade point, but her brother helped her lots and made things easier for her. When Jihee entered highschool she began to become very distant from her friends as she was studying dance to become a proffesional dancer.  she worked day and night and almost dropped out of high school but Jiho threatened to beat her if she did so she stuck to it and graduated. Two weeks after she graduated Jihee debuted as a lyrical/contemporary dancer. She was only 17 at the time. She was the most talked about dancer, she was on talk shows, variety shows, was offered acting positions. She took some. She had a very very bright future. She then did side projects with her brother, who she idolizes very much!

Currrently Jinhee lives in a beautiful high rise apartment ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) in downtown Seoul, three blocks from her own studio. She practices twice daily usually, unless she is nursing an injury, in which case she practices once or not at all. When she is not home, she can usually bee seen around big brother Jiho, who is ever loving of her company. She is very familiar with his friends and is actually extremely close to Jaehyo, and have been since they were young. She often calls him up when she is feeling lonely and drags him over to do whatever she so pleases with him. Every man likes a flexible woman, if you know what I mean. ;)

family & friends 

Woo SuYoung / 45 / Mother / Beautician / Jihee doesn't often contact her mother because of a spat they had a few years back, she is still civil, but neither go out of their way to see one another. They don't get along well anymore.

Woo KyuHyang / 47 / Father / Brodway Actor  / Jinhee's father is always checking in on his baby girl to see how she is doing, they are very close. He often will mail items he finds from all over the world to her to express his affections. They don't meet often, but talk often on the phone.

Woo Jiho / 21 / Older Brother / Club Owner / Jiho is very protective of Jinhee and only trusts her to his close group of friends. He is always telling her to stay out of trouble, do this, do that. He plays the stereotypical role of the over protective big brother. 


Yoo Jae In / 20 / Best Friend / Waitress / She is fiery and flirtatious, even towards Jinhee at times, she is fun loving and brings out Jinhee's more wild side.

Cho DongWoon / 23 / Close Friend / Dancer / He is a very laid back kind of guy that likes to take things as they come to him, so when he is with Jinhee it is just a have a drink and watch a movie kind of evening.



Independant - Jinhee does not like to leave everything up to others, she enjoys doing things on her own and can handle stress without breaking down daily. She is strong and doesn't let people tell her what she should and shouldn't do (Unless is it Jiho) She likes her space and while she loves being around people, she is able to enjoy time alone without feeling lonely. 

Intellegent - Jinhee was never the smartest girl in school but she was smart else where, she is able to retain many different tidbits of information that she will never not have something to talk about. She is always up to date on the news and what is going on in the world around her. Sometimes she gets a bit over confident with what she knows thoughm so she needs to be shut up some times.

ual - Jinhee is always burning with ual desire, she loves attention from others and is more than happy to return the favor if you fill her high high standards. There truely is only one she pines after anyways. Either way, she is suductive, and likes to flirt and play around from time to time.

Beautiful - Jinhee takes amazingly good care of herself, she does herself up daily, she excersizes and always trys to look her best. Sometimes she becomes very insecure, and will hide away until Jiho or Jaehyo comes to see where the hell she has been. Or she will overdo it with practice, she will not stop. She is so self indulged that she needs to be perfect in her eyes.

Sensitive - One thing could set off a whirlwind, she is very sensitive, her feelings are easily hurt and she is a bit extreme when upset. She will go out of her way to get you back, and not nicely either. She knows no pity, only greed and pride, gluttony too. 

The best way to describe her is the is as the embodiment of all seven deadly sins. 



about the plotline

Being Jiho's younger sister, she has grown up around his friends her whole life, evidently, she has fallen in love with Jaehyo. A good pal of Jiho's, now, back in highschool Jihee and Jaehyo used to fool around, and the like, but at somepoint something happened and it all stopped. They are still friends, but both of them are cautios and Jiho watches them like a hawk, knowing their back story. Jaehyo is always there for Jihee, for everything, from to plain old company. They are friends with benefits, but Jihee wants so much more. It is killing her inside. Jiho knows and urgest her to do something.


love interest
love interest. Ahn jaehyo
age. 23
relationship. friends with benefits


Good Listener - If you are close to the guy, he will listen and listen wwell, he will be your shoulder to cry on and will do his best to understand your situation. Thoughm he doesn't really understand how to comfort people well so he just kind sits there awkwardly rubbing your back or hugging you.

Exciting - Jaehyo is an everchanging guy, he is always changing hobbies and is always looking to try new things. He is adventurous and likes to have fun. He is very athletic so he likes to go outdoors alot and he will drag you with him. He alwyas has something on the go and is grinning from ear to ear while doing so. However, sometimes he can get a little to exciting and it becomes overbaring and hard to handle. 

Great In Bed - Jaehyo knows what people like and what they want. He reads peoples ual emotions well and is able to respond acordingly. He is really awkward most of the time, but when he is out looking for love he has smooth moves. Sort of.

Confident - Jaehyo could be called somewhat of a narssicist because he honestly thinks he is greak, he doesn't see many faults in himself and if you were to point one out he would deny it and often get pretty pissed of with you for even mentioning it to begin with. Jaehyo thinks he has it, he does, sometimes.

Detail Oriented - Jaehyo notices everything, did you dye your hair? He sees it. Didi you paint your nails, he noticed. he picks up on details very quickly and will store them, this can lead to some good impressions and some bad impressions.

Picky - Jaehyo is very picky about people and food, you need to be his kinda person to get along with him. 

Quick Tempered -  Pretty self explanitory, but he is not the type to just sit there and take , he will flip . He has quite the temper. 

MEETING. They met when they were really young. How you can decide.

He works at Afterglow as a bartender. 
He is an amazing chef.
He is a bit of a romantic.
He is rough on the outside and soft on the inside.


RIVAL. ...
AGE. ....


layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes



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Woo Jihee's status - Accepted.