
Hey everyone, Andy here.


I want to thank everyone who wished me luck on my health and everything<3 It means a lot. For the ones who told me to go to the doctors, I ended up not going. I mentioned that I didnt want to go because perhaps in a week I would be better and I was correct. I was better in about 3 days. 

I forced myself to eat and after I got some results back on my final, I was less worried. If you are wondering, I was really worried about my Cinema midterm because my computers lack of Microsoft Word and so I had to do my paper online (which we were suppose to do, to turn it in online) well I was worried that I didnt meet the length requirement of 3-5 pages. So I wrote to my professor telling her about it. Turns out that she said that it was barely 3 pages and that I didnt meet that requirement and I didnt do a lot of other things on my midterm. I immediately thought that I had failed by the way she wrote me an email. So I clicked on my grade module online to see my score and..... I got an 80% ^^ So I still have my A in that class :D

My history test (not a final), wasnt what I hoped for, but it was a lot better than my last test. I had to email to professor to see if I was allowed retakes and everything and she said No, she said that I have to do a lot better on the last two quizzes and get at least a B on the research paper and a decent score on my final to pass with a C, she even said if I had a 69% (a D, which is failing in college) that she would just bump it to a C. So, I need to study my off for that class.


I also need to study my off in my math class by getting at least 75+ on my last three quizzes so if I fail my midterm I will still pass with a C. So, I will also be studying for that

Lastly, I have a 2000 word essay that needs to be done, but I need it to be WELL written. I currently have a 49% in that class because I didn't turn in my 1st essay in the beginning of the school year because no matter how hard I tried, I COULD NOT WRITE AN ESSAY ABOUT THE ECONOMY. Nope nope nope.


So, today I was going to pump out a few more chapters for all my lovely subbies, and as soon as I sat down... My mom made me go with my brother to my neighbors house to cut down their tree because it was growing over the fence into the ally and the dang city wrote my neighbor to get rid of it or be fined. So, my brother and I hack sawed that poor tree into pieces. My brother told me to go get gloves, but you know what? I didnt listen -___- So I was ripping off branches with my bare hands WHICH I grabbed ahold of this tiny branch and pulled it hard and I heard cracking....little did I know I completely ripped the ENTIRE branch from the trunk of the tree and that came crashing down on my head.. So I have lovely scratches on my forehead.

After 2 hours of doing all that, I never realized how ed up my hands became. My whole hands are nothing but blisters and open sores. My legs are tore up, my arms, my hands, my face. Its horrible T^T


I was going to post photos of it on here, but sadly something went wrong via linking D; If you want my Instagram then PM me.






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