Story recommendation

Hey yall,

Long time no talk. I have been doing summer school these few months and will be attending my last semester in the fall. Graduation in December :D Yeee~

I hope you all are doing well. I haven't caught up with what ever is going on in the site. On my end of things, perhaps I need to get more active and interact with more people but my timeline is dead lol.

I figured that I should at least come back and start becoming a bit more active. So, I was hoping that yall would recommend some really good stories that you've read. (No yuri or mpreg please). I need a good story to sink my teeth into and hopefully it'll keep my off of youtube listening to the same music over and over and over again lol.


Also, sorry about the lack of updates. I honestly do not have any motivation to write anymore. So, I'm hoping that with me reading more and hopefully getting active again, that'll rekindle that old flame and get me motivation to at least finish the work I started. 


Love yall,



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The Definition of Jungkook, Next Stop Insanity, Fluffy's refuge, My Bodyguard princess and When Night And Day Become One!
TDoJ and WNADBO will take all your UwU's and NSI and Fluffy's and MBP will make you cry laughing and take everyone of the UwUs you've ever hadXD lolol But yeah Next Stop Insanity is amazing i'm rereading it right now for the i don't even know how many times lol.
And also just made a new story it's nowhere near as good as the ones i mention but it would be cool if you could check it out:)
s-senpai #3
The Definition of Jungkook, stands as my favourite!!