
Sienna Roleplay is an alternate universe roleplay centering on themes of university, nightlife and adolescence. Paran University, located in the heart of Seoul, boasts an expansive campus, an active student body, and numerous places to spend time off campus. Students by day, however, different people by night.

Enjoy the nightlife and register for classes today!


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[1] Be active and dedicated. Post on walls or groups at least thrice a week. Don't waste everyone's time by joining then leaving the rp out cold in just a few days.
[2] No double accounts. Stick to one character (preferrably the one you like best) so it won't be confusing. You can also change but we will only accept it once
[3] This is a closed roleplay. Do not add or accept anyone outside the RP or you'll be given a warning.
[4] Be nice. Although allowed to an extent, unnecessary drama and disrespect is highly frowned upon.
[5] /Yuri is allowed. We do not discriminate but we do also encourage straight relationships.
[6] No or any kind of indecency in public. We'll have a separate group for that and you can join at your own risk. Otherwise, keep such things in PM.
[7] You can be in relationships as you please. Marriage and pregnancies are also allowed though to a limited extent. Password should be your favorite drama.
[8] Don't forget brackets when talking OOC though we will also have a group for OOC conversations.
[9] Should you need to take a hiatus or leave, please inform the admins immediately. Hiatus should not last more than a month while semi-hiatus can only be for a week or two. Both granted that you'll pop by once in a while to let us know you're still breathing. One warning for inactivity still grants you another chance to be in the rp. The second time, you're out for good. Refer to the first rule.
[10] We will constantly check everyone's activity to ensure that you all have been following the rules. You can only receive three warnings before we officially take you out of the roleplay.


[1] Subscribe and upvote.
[2] Check our masterlist or wishlist for available idols to be roleplayed.
[3] Leave a comment stating your desired idol and password then wait to be verified. Do not delete. Comments containing the wrong or no password at all will not be entertained.
[4] Once verified, you can now make your account within two days or the idol you chose will be open again for reservation. We recommend using recycled ones to avoid being security checked.
[5] Use 'Sienna' as your alternate name. We also encourage you to write a short description of how you want to roleplay your character in the About Me section.
[6] Once done, add all of the admins and request to join the welcoming group University Lobby (See Chapter 5).
[7] Lastly, have fun!
Layout by voicelesss @ daydreamer; ly, 2014.


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