proving yourself

Ever felt like ending your life right then and there?or felt like no one ever cared?And then you start thinking.... "maybe if I was gone...they would be happier." and then starting to do some self harm because of that thought..


.Truth is, if you were gone, things wouldn't be as it is now. People wouldn't be able to enjoy having a person like you in their lives. They wouldn't experience what it was like with you around to bring them such different experiences and emotions.Sure, the strees, pain and anger you may have brought wouldn't have happened... but if you haven't experienced those feelings, are you really alive? Are you sure you aren't dreaming?

Feeling neglected and unwanted is okay. It's part of growing up.It can also motivate you to prove to the people just how strong and capable you are of taking care of yourself and others.Take for instance your realtive saying " It would have been better if you were never born!",  after the say that, stat planning on how to proving to them that the world is better because of your existance. maybe not in the biggest way, but in every way you can.Make people smile and feel loved. Every change start with you.


as my teacher once told me and the class....

"Let your faith be bigger than your fear."


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