Poster Request (please help me)

Hello to everyone. 

I just wanna ask if someone can make a couple photo for me..

Its Nam Jihyun (4minute) and Onew (SHINee) Me and my sister need it that badly. 

SInce I will owe this a lot to whoever can make it, I'll be giving 200 to 300 karma points as a thank you. I know this isnt too much but I wish someone will really help me ><

I hope someone can grant my request //Bows



Thank you very much! 


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I have a graphics shop on here if you want to request it. I have samples of my work on the post. Its called DeSTYLE Graphics
i wish to help you but i was having a problem with my adobe it kept crashing no matter how many times i reinstall it TT^TT

mianhae, but im sure there were those that will come to help you ^-^